
How much memory does mogo require if I crank up the number of
simulations pretty high?   Does it allocate dynamically or work from a
fixed pool?     What happens if there is not enough memory?    

I could include Mogo in the study too, not just as a single data point
if I can get 13 doublings.   I might scale mogo down so that it is
roughly equivalent with my program,  by starting it at much few

- Don

Olivier Teytaud wrote:
>> Mogo will just be one data point in the experiment, but an important one
>> because we will benchmark the same exact version on CGOS.
> "--nbTotalSimulations 11000" (not high level --> 200000 is of course
> much stronger but requires more time) instead of "--time"
> no pondering, as you want fixed level
> therefore
> "mogo --9 --nbTotalSimulations 11000 --playsAgainstHuman 0"
> should be fine.
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