Chris Fant wrote:
>>> I suspect that for very long time controls we would be better off
>>> turning UCT (with, say 10K playouts)  into an evaluation function and
>>> then using alpha-beta on top of it.
>>> Álvaro.
>> This is very interesting to me.    Not the memory management part, but
>> the fact that you believe the tree is not being grown optimally (if that
>> is what you are saying.)
> I thought his point was that with an alpha-beta layer on top of the
> UCT layer, you can do much longer searches because you are throwing
> away the large UCT tree after each evaluation of an AB tree node.
I'm not sure he proposes this as a solution to the memory problem or
whether he believes it creates a tree with a better shape.   

It might turn out that this is a good practical solution to the memory
problem but I don't think in principle it's a very good thing all by
itself.    However, I wonder if  a kind of super selective alpha-beta
search can be constructed that adheres to the same (basic) principles
that are working for us with these GO programs.

- Don

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