On Dec 11, 2007 3:34 AM, terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But what about doing a top-level analysis of the board just before starting
> playouts, offering some hints
> to the more interesting moves? During the middle game, and especially during
> the endgame, top-level
> analysis can provide excellent guidance regarding good and bad plays, I
> would think.

Or maybe one could also add "pit stops" every 20 ply or so, where a
heavy playout is made and such higher-level analysis can be conducted?

Of course, it could be another case of
improvement-that-weakens-the-play, but I am not sure that all such
cases are really weakening the play -- maybe it's just an effect of
doing less simulations because of the heavier playouts.

best regards,
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