Attached is a 9x9 game by Mogo ( Black ) versus an amateur shodan ( Joe C., 
White ).

>From the log output, Mogo was unaware that it was waaay behind until move 60. 
>Oddly, move 60 was a pass by White; there may be a bug in this particular 
>version, since this would have been a good time to either pass or resign. Mogo 
>continued to move 68, by which time it was about 20 points behind.

I'm only 8 kyu AGA, but I can see that at move 35, Mogo was lost with 100% 
probability, call the undertakers.

I offer this in support of the notion that, without an understanding of 
life-and-death, MC algorithms can and do err in estimating the probability of 
winning. This isn't a matter of choosing 85% of this versus 80% of that; it's a 
matter of incorrectly believing that one has good prospects of winning a game 
which is actually 100% lost. When I do this, it is called "hallucination" - 
which I do often enough to hinder my AGA rank, unfortunately.

The log file just before move 59:

0.564769(3137%) || 215467/482517(45%)(32%)(99%/0.44)||  9274 |46 || C9 C3 B3 C2 
B1 B4 H1 C4 G2 J5 ||SSP:C9 A5 J1 A9 C3 ||PSP:C9 A5 J1 A9 C3
0.564766( 0%) || 215468/482518(45%)(32%)(99%/0.44) || 9274 |46 || C9 C3 B3 C2 
B1 B4 H1 C4 G2 J5 ||SSP:C9 A5 J1 A9 C3 ||PSP:C9 A5 J1 A9 C3
100002 simulations(average length:0) done, time used: 
72.47 seconds.( 1379.9 games/sec)

If the algorithm could have correctly determined the actual status of the game 
by move 35, then it could presumably have chosen better alternative plays 
furher back. Existing algorithms apparently make large errors in scoring 
settled positions. That suggests a possible
avenue for improvement.

Thanks, all!

-- Terry

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