You may wish to look at the CUDA docs:

and the Telsa GPU:
Terry McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind 
masters; but they mean to be masters. -- Daniel Webster

----- Original Message ----
From: Darren Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2007 5:07:50 PM
Subject: Re: [computer-go] GPUs and go algorithms?

Joshua Shriver wrote:
> I've been looking into GPGPU for several years now, there was even
 some buzz
> in the comp-chess stream but the downsides seemed to be to much.
 Think the
> big problem is the latency on the PCI/AGP bus. Though that might not
 be as
> much an issue now with PCI-x, etc.

Thanks. My question could've been rephrased as "Can a basic alpha-beta
searcher for chess be written to run on a GPU?". Can I take the above
mean "Yes, but the overhead of calling it took too much time"? Or were
they putting some smaller part of the chess algorithm (e.g. leaf node
evaluation or move sorting) on the GPU? (In which case I can see how
communication overhead would drown out the performance gain.)

> For more info I'd refer you to this site which has been using GPU's
> years.

Thanks, yes, that is a useful site. However I don't see anything
to tree search.


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