Jacques BasaldĂșa wrote:
Of course, what is "cool" is very subjective debate: Some people
find it cool to depend on runtimes that increase at mega/month rate,
do what the API already does only much worse, gift the user with "the
gray rectangle experience" even on a quad-core. After two seconds of
gray rectangle they paint something that does not properly support
clipboard operation, replaces the system's file dialogs for dialogs in
which you have to manually type: *.sgf, *.SGF, *.Sgf, .. (to see all
your .sgf files), that never remember last folders, etc. All this
annoyance just because someone bought the "platform independence
fallacy" from a company (Sun microsystems) that never cared a bit
about compatibility. I am still waiting to meet the first person who
answers affirmatively to the question: "Have you ever paid for a
program written in Java?"
Simple question, everybody I ever met answers no. Guess why.
Swing (Java's default GUI library) sucks. It's really really really bad.
And does not reflect on the Java language at all. There are few decent
GUI libraries for Java, and no really good ones. A go bot does not need
an integrated GUI.
And my employer has paid for several programs written in Java (no GUI
programs!), and in turn pay programmers to develop Java code.
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