Gnugo development release 3.7.11 is out, see

From the changelog:
3.7.11 released November 1, 2007
- gtp-commands.texi is not built automatically
- updates texinfo.tex
- minor doc revision
- revised, aclocal.m4 and * for recent autotools
- removed acconfig.h
- don't play send-two-return-one in tactical reading attack moves
- bugfix in reevaluate_ko_threats() to avoid a crash
- more efficient aftermath moves
- version 3 of GPL and update copyright for 2007
- new static function remove_eye_filling_moves() in owl.c
- semeai reading revisions
- look more ambitiously for back-capturing moves in attack1()
- generate cut move reasons for cutting moves found during find_connections()
- fix compilation with MAX_BOARD set to low boardsizes (>= 7 tested)
- performance tuning in do_owl_analyze_semeai()
- detect unconditionally meaningless moves
- get_lively_stones() revised to be valid also for stackp>0
- bugfix in compute_owl_escape_values()
- moves can be marked as known_safe_moves by patterns
- bugfix in compute_surroundings()
- owl tuning
- new and revised tests

The PDF manual built from this release may be obtained at

  Francois Grieu
computer-go mailing list

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