"Technical Report on MoGo" link from http://www.lri.fr/~gelly/MoGo.htm
<http://www.lri.fr/%7Egelly/MoGo.htm> eventually leads to
First-play urgency is described in the bottom paragraph on page 16.
Results are shown 4 pages later in table 7 (influence of FPU).
MoGo is very different now.
There's no UCT anymore in MoGo, as UC in UCT means "upper-confidence" as
in UCB1 (but there is still Monte-Carlo planning). The upper confidence
term is the sqrt(log(...)/n_i) term; there's nothing like that in MoGo now.
But if one keeps UCB, I agree that UCB-Tuned is better than UCB1, and
for problems
far from computer-go UCT is very efficient with its upper-confidence-term.
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