Hi! I put together a small utility that converts coordinate encodings in SGF
files to/from the official SGF specification and normal Go board coordinates
and optionally format the file to be easier to read.
One of the cool uses is to convert a SGF file to standard Go board coordinates,
make changes with my favorite text editor, and revert back to SGF coordinates;
like this:
> sgfconvert -pretty -2g -i:game.sgf -o:game+.sgf
> notepad (or vi) game+.sgf
> sgfconvert -rws -2s -i:game+.sgf -o:game.sgf
The program is written in C# with a GPLv3 license. Documentation, source code,
and pre-compiled windows binary can be download from:
This is the first initial release, so please report bugs if you use the utility.
Phil Garcia
http://www.thinkedge.com (My web site)
http://www.gotraxx.com (C# program that plays the game of Go)
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