From: Christopher Rosin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Christopher, Thanks for your explanation of greenpeep!


> - Biasing playouts by patterns is much better than unbiased playouts
> - Playouts using self-play patterns together with MoGo-style move
> preferences (favor defensive moves and captures, as well as local
> moves biased by the self-play patterns, before resorting to a global
> move biased by patterns) yield much better results than just using
> the patterns by themselves globally.

 >  But I think that there is a lot of room for improvement here.  The
> fact that it is possible to improve on the patterns by forcing additional 
> simple preferences like captures, means the patterns are certainly not 
> as good as they could be.  

It might be helpful to augment patterns with topological information. A 
capture is a pattern for an empty space adjacent to one or more strings 
which have exactly one liberty. Such captures may be counterindicated if 
the resultant shape is a snapback - a string with more than one stone, and 
only one liberty. There are patterns for killing points of enclosed groups 
which have only one eyespace; these points are less worthwhile if the group 
has more than one eyespace. 

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