On Sat, 2007-09-15 at 23:55 -0400, Jason House wrote:
> >  3. Are you sure the eye rule isn't somehow broken?
> >   
> Yeah.  An eye point is defined as an empty point where all four 
> neighbors are the same chain.  This prevents weak combos of false
> eyes, 
> but does allow it to miss one kind of life. 

I think this is your problem.   You rule is very strict which might
make it always correct,  but we are talking about random play-outs
which are far from correct anyway.    I think your rule is too strict
and making many results change from what they should be.    Your random
play-outs are basically moving into eyes that AnchorMan won't.   (Yes,
I know that it's occasionally wrong, but it's right much more than it's

I would suggest that you at least TRY the common rule most of us
use and see what happens.   For a simple test it doesn't have to be
fast, just correct.   Then you will know for sure whether that is
your problem or not.  

- Don

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