This "extra bonus for black" is commonly known by Japanese Go players 
who know Chinese rules. That is,  the result of a game is the same if 
either rules is used (Japanese or Chinese) in simple games (i.e. no 
Seki etc.) except this extra bonus for black when the number of moves 
of the game is odd. MC Go programs may need to adjust this one 

- gg

Darren Cook: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> I got this from the AGA rules which I (falsly?) assumed to use
>>>>> chinese counting (
>>  "At one time, the Chinese rules compensated White with an extra point
>> when Black got the last move. If Black's last move was to fill a ko he
>> or she had won, however, it was deemed unfair to penalize him or her, so
>> eventually the Chinese removed this proviso."
>> in:
>> It looks like that "rule" is obsolete.
>Thanks for finding that, as I was getting confused :-). It would've
>affect the scoring of monte-carlo playouts.
>P.S. Is the pass stone also passed over when territory scoring in AGA
>rules? That sounds like the score will deviate from Japanese scoring
>quite frequently. E.g. games often end with a small ko, and when one
>player runs out of ko threats he will pass (assuming no dame available),
>the other player will fill the ko, then each player will pass. If pass
>costs a point it hurts.
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