My program tends to amplify noise fluctuations. If it's presented with 
several equally good moves, it will pick winners and losers early on. It looks 
bad. On the other hand, tweaking it up to win more games against Gnugo and on 
CGOS, has made it *more* prone to do this. That is my subjective impression 

     If you pick a high enough value for your exploration coefficient in UCT, 
you will get well balanced exploration. I don't recommend it, though. Also, 
some moves matter more than others. The largest deviations from symmetry occur 
for moves that aren't in the running anyway (eg. along the edges).

     Measuring the deviations might be useful. I think it would be risky to 
just assume they shouldn't be there at all, or that they should vanish in a 
reasonable timeframe.

- Dave Hillis

-----Original Message-----
From: Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <>
Sent: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 6:48 am
Subject: [computer-go] Opening

It seems generally accepted that MC or UCT programs are weakest in the
pening. My own experience matches this too. Some times I get the idea
hat my program doesn't know at all what it is doing the first few
oves. I propose a simple test to see if that is the case. Before doing
t, I'd like to hear if other programmers are willing to make a similar
est, and agree on the particulars.
The idea is simple: We know that the empty board is symmetrical. How
any iterations does it take before the program gets values for the
irst move that are symmetrical too. For example, if the program prefers
he 3-3 point in one corner, but 4-4 in the other corner, then I would
ay that it doesn't know much about the situation.
I am sure there is a mathematically sound way to measure how symmetric
he evaluation is, but my math is a bit rusty, so I am asking if someone
an come up with a good way. After that, I'm asking if various
rogrammers would be willing to run this test, and publish the results?
- Heikki
 (who has no time to debug his own program...)

eikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk
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