2007/6/14, Sylvain Gelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hello Sanghyeon, thank you for your comments.

> > After white (mogo) H2, MoGo was estimating 74%, and expecting:
> > H2 G1 H3 B1 A1 B3 H1 F8 B5 H4
> This is far too optimistic. Why would black play H2? :-)
Sorry, white played H2. The sequence I gave starts with white move :).
Black was expecting to play G1 :).

Oops, my mistake. I was saying that expecting black to play G1 is
optimistic. (As it is obviously a bad move.)

> After B3 B1 A1, black G1 and then B1 F1 D1 B4 and white is dead.
Ok thanks. So good white actually played G1 instead of A1 after black B1 then.


Oh, so contrary to what I believed, you say (if I understand you
correctly) that the mistake was done in the upper left group and not
in the bottom center group?


Seo Sanghyeon
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