I think there is something to this; it seems like it should be
possible to use a database of randomly selected positions from games
along with the best known followup, and use that as a faster way of
testing a program's strength than playing full games.  Such a database
would be valuable for all sorts of approaches.

The question is how you know whether the program has discovered a
better move than the best known move, or just chose another move
that's just as good?  Probably it would have to be generalized into
keeping a score for each followup, and again the question becomes how
much to trust it and how to update it.  Perhaps the scores could be
kept from running a large number of simulations and we could test how
rapidly the program converges on that using fewer resources.

A weakness of this approach is that sometimes the best move depends on
how you plan to follow it up; a program that plays the theoretically
best move but doesn't know how to follow it up is weaker than a
program that plays safer moves.

- Brian

On 5/16/07, George Dahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I find Monte-Carlo Go a fascinating avenue of research, but what pains
me is that a huge number of simulations are performed each game and at
the end of the game the results are thrown out.  So what I was
thinking is that perhaps the knowledge generated by the simulations
could be collapsed in some way.

Suppose that epsilon greedy versions of a reasonably strong MC Go
program were to play a very large number of games against themselves.
By epsilon greedy versions I mean that with probability epsilon a
random move is played and with probability 1- epsilon the move the MC
Player would normally play is played.  Each position in these games
would be stored along with the Monte Calro/UCT evaluation for that
position's desirability.  This would produce an arbitrarily large
database of position/score pairs.  At this point a general function
approximator / learning algorithm (such as a neural network) could be
trained to map positions to scores.  If this was successful, it would
produce something that could very quickly (even a large neural net
evaluation or what have you would be much faster than doing a large
number of MC playouts) map positions to scores.  Obviously the scores
would not be perfect since the monte carlo program did not play
anywhere near perfect Go.  But this static evaluator could then be
plugged back into the monte carlo player and used to bias the random
playouts.  Wouldn't it be useful to be able to quickly estimate the MC
score without doing any playouts?

Clearly this idea could be extended recursively with a lot of offline
training.  What makes this formulation more valuable is that given
enough time and effort someone familiar with machine learning should
be able to produce a learning architecture that can actually learn the
MC scores.  It would be a straightforward, if potentially quite
difficult, supervised learning task with effectively unlimited data
since more could be generated at will.  Such a learning architecture
could be used in the manner I described above or thrown at the more
general reinforcement learning problem.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this idea?  Does anyone know of it
being tried before?

- George
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