Yes, I'm exaggerating - but I do remember that when the idea
came up, quite a bit of emotional reaction against it.   Of 
course I realize that there have always been a few who 
believed some type of global search would be needed. 

- Don

On Mon, 2007-04-09 at 23:53 -0500, Matt Gokey wrote:
> > In my opinion, the insight that Chrilly articulated was that all of
> > sudden we are now all using some type of global search - the very
> > idea was considered blasphemy just 2 or 3 years ago.  
> That may be too strong a statement.  It may have not been popular but
> many people consistently believed global search must be a big part of
> any strong playing program, myself included.  Not searching using the
> same techniques as used for chess, but IMO certainly searching has not
> ever been altogether dismissed nor considered blasphemy.  Look back at
> posts around 10 years ago (when I first joined the list) and probably
> since its inception and you'll find this to be true.  I personally
> wrote
> about it on several occasions suggesting that to counter the
> evaluation
> problem the search needed to go very deep and even talked about
> "sampling" the tree.  Other probability based searches have been
> studied
> and written about in academic papers and on this list as well.  The
> crucial combination of techniques didn't bubble up, but not for lack
> of trying.

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