I have this idea that perhaps a good evaluation function could
replace the play-out portion of the UCT programs.  The evaluation
function would return a value between 0 and 1 and would be an
estimate of the odds of winning.

I have tried this with an older and much weaker version of Suzie. It played positionally better than the Alpha-Beta version, but the rate of very strange moves also increased. UCT greates a more unbalanced tree than Alpha-Beta and the programm has therefore even more chances to "cheat". For the same reason extensions do not work so far in Suzie.

But I tried not with 0-1 but used the full eval. Maybe I should give it a second try. But as I work now 45 hours/week on Computer-Tomography (which is also quite interesting) and comute each weekend between Germany and Austria its difficult to do.


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