On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 13:45 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> The contoller would send 
> commands such as "continue_search" which must return in a fraction of
> second, possibly with a move.    This would be truly awkward but
> possible. 

Of course, a good GO program doesn't have to STOP searching just because
it's responding to a "continue_search" command.   It could anticipate
that it will soon be getting another "continue_search" command.   But
you see things start getting much more complicated, what if it doesn't
get another continue_search command?   You lose the simplicty of GTP
where you get a command,  respond to it, wait for the next command

With UCI this is trivial from the engines perspective.   The program
simply responds to commands, pretty much the same as GTP but it's also
allowed to send informational messages along the way.   It's actually
really simple to implement.

- Don

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