Based on my analysis, estimating a moves probability of winning by taking the number of winning simulations (w) and dividing it by the total number of simulations (n) is actually biased. I tried to break this e-mail up into sections for easy digestion by the various people who might read this. The sections are: overview, scope, assumptions, and derivation. I hope the first two are enough to given a flavor of what the e-mail is about. The 3rd (assumptions) I expect to spark some debate. The derivation will probably only be skimmed by most.

The generalized probability of winning is (w+alpha)/(n+alpha+beta). Under the simplest assumption alpha = beta = 1, and the result becomes (w+1)/(n+2). Notice how with no simulations, there's a 50/50 chance of a move being good or bad and how one (good or bad) simulation doesn't force the estimation of winning to one extreme.

These results are only relevant when doing non-uniform sampling (such as UCT) and where the sample size is relatively small. Under uniform sampling, the move with the most wins is still best. With non-uniform sampling, a large n (and likely w), the extra factors of alpha and beta get washed out and these results become less relevant.

To use these results, you must make some assumption about the underlying distribution of a move's probability of winning. If nothing is known a priori, then assuming no probability is any more likely than any other seems safe (resulting in uniform distribution which is also a beta distribution with alpha=beta=1). For mature MC bots, I assume this is just curve fitting to historically collected data to a beta distribution (yielding an alpha and beta). Using the example pictures at and what I remember from this mailing list, alpha=2 and beta=5 seems to peak in about the right area ( (alpha-1)/(alpha+beta-2) = 20% ). I doubt that's the correct distribution, but will have to default to the MC experts on this list.

The underlying approach is to calculate the probability that the given sample came from a move with a particular probability of winning (mu) and then do the integral of mu*p(mu | w,n) for all mu (0% to 100%). (where p(mu | w,n) = probability of mu given the observed w and n). p(mu | w,n) = p(w | mu,n) * p(mu) / p(w | n). Thankfully, p(w | n) can be written off as a normalization constant: p(w | n) = integral of p(w | mu,n)*p(mu) for all mu. p(w | mu,n) can be found in any textbook as (mu^w)*(1-mu)^(n-w). Even when assuming p(mu) = uniform, calculation of the normalization constant looked daunting. Cheating with an online integrator lead me to the beta distribution. Notice that the integral of mu*p(mu | w,n) boils down to finding the mean of p(mu | w,n). The solution for p(mu)=constant becomes finding th mean of a beta distribution with alpha=w+1 and beta = (w-n+1) and yields the simplest solution given above. Assuming a distribution for p(mu) could lead to some very messy calculus. The best generalized solution I can come up with is when you assume p(mu) follows a beta distribution because then p(mu | w,n)*p(mu) is still a beta distribution. This yields what I put at the top of this e-mail. If one limits p(mu) to a polynomial, integrals with each term in the polynomial become small beta distributions. For integer powers, the result is a ratio of products of factorials. The mean cancels out nicely, but once p(mu) is the sum of multiple beta distributions, convenient cancellations are not guaranteed. I did not try to work out any examples since I don't yet know that curve fitting to a beta distribution is unreasonable. Maybe other simple solutions exist, but I'll leave that up to those who are even bigger math geeks than I am ;)

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