The number of liberties is not the same measure as dimensionality.
You need to look at a area/boundary ratio.

At some point I adapted libEGO to hexagonal topology, and the game -
Hex Go ( Ho? :-) )
was actually very interesting. Major features are:

- almost no capture tactics
- no ko
- a lot of cut/connect tactics
- a high ration strategy/tactics
- interesting nakade :)


On 2/23/07, Jacques Basaldúa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Magnus Persson wrote:

 > ... it is impossible to make eyes when attacks on the eyes
 > has so many directions to escape. Every reasonable well
 > played game will end in seki.

I totally agree. In 2D a free stone has 4 liberties. In 3D, 6. In nD, 2n.

The higher n, the less interesting. You could give 8 liberties to a stone
by including the diagonal neighbors, but that would just produce that
everything "reasonable" survives in seki. All games are a draw.

4 liberties is the "magic" number, but playing without edges mat be fun.


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