Hi! New version, good news.
- Simple ko implemented in board_t. If I knew it was so simple I would do it much earlier ;) - UCT implemented. A very simple version, but as bazaar methodology says "release early, release often" Simple_playout performance is now 85 kpps on 2.2 GHz. Since some time I have mercurial (http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/) repository with WWW interface: http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~lew/hg/libego/ There is even an RSS feed ;-) If You want your copy of repository (Mercurial is fully distributed) just: hg clone http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~lew/hg/libego/ This is now fully functional GTP engine. You asked for UCT, here it is. I would be grateful for Your remarks and bug reports. Łukasz
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