On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 13:19 +0100, Ephrim Khong wrote:
> The /2 with color-swaps would work fine with librarys that don't store
> the whole gamestate, but I doubt it's worth implementing it in
> fuseki-librarys: Since there are usually no or very few captures
> during
> the fuseki, the player whos turn it is is determined by the gamestate
> itsself: Black if both colors have the same number of stones on the
> board, white if it differs. This means that "color reflected"
> positions
> can only occur if there was a capture or if you don't rely on the
> whole
> gamestate (eg. pattern-librarys, fuseki-librarys that allow "?" fields
> that are undetermined).

Or if there is a pass.   You can throw my program out of book by passing
on one of the first moves :-)

> eph 

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