On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Matt Gokey wrote:
Magnus Persson wrote:
Quoting Matt Gokey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
is important to get a won position as early as possible. The longer it
thinks the better it plays. In the opening it always critical to find the
best move - but later on games are often either won or lost so saving time
for those
positions are not so important.
I agree with this last statement for the early end-game / end-game
phase. For the pre-middle to middle I'm not sure. This is the
critical part of the game where you need to solidify the winning
positions. As long as reasonable opening moves that provide robust
options are made and it can play into the middle game stronger than the
opponent, winning positions should result.
But that phase starts very ealy on 9x9 ... as soon as you have
stones "touching".
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