It seems to me, the fundamental reason MC go (regardless of details) works as it does is because it is the only search method (at least that I am aware of) that has found a way to manage the evaluation problem. Evaluation is not as problematic because MC goes to the bitter end where the status is known with certainty. With random distributions it probably tends to find robust moves that leave a lot favorable options open. With MoGo, Sylvain has shown that better simulation policies can achieve much better results.
But what are some of the reasons MC is not even better? -Since MC engines don't deal with tactics directly, they're not likely going to play tactical sequences well for low liberty strings, securing eye space, cutting and connecting, ko fights, or ladders, etc. -Also because most of the play-outs are usually nonsense, they may have trouble dealing with meaningful nuances because the positions that will lead to these distinctions just don't arise with enough statistical frequency in the play-outs to affect the result. Yet when very selective moves are used in the play-outs, too many possibilities can be missed. -Finally, with 19x19 anyway, the size of the board and game tree probably limits the practical effectiveness of the sampling and move ordering. I don't try to address this last point any further in this message. So here is an idea for MC research: Incorporate multiple types of distributions in one MC player. Available time resources would be divided between the different distribution methods. Then the results of these could be combined in some kind of sum/rank/vote/etc. For UCT this could be used to direct the search at those most interesting nodes. As an example, distributions such as these could be used: 1. A random or near random distribution 2. A more selective pattern based distribution 3. A simple tactical reader based distribution - this might not be obvious how to implement, but perhaps it could play tactical sequences if such conditions (based on heuristics) existed on the board, otherwise switch to one of the others. With regard to variance reduction techniques, #2 and #3 might be examples of importance sampling and conditional sampling. And the above overall method might fall under the category of "stratified sampling". Thoughts? _______________________________________________ computer-go mailing list