On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 04:00 -0800, Dave Dyer wrote:
> >
> >Of course, everything depends on how you can deal with the boarders - how 
> >about some monte-carlo-simulations over the possible boarder-configurations?
> My thought is that one thing you could easily get from the rollouts
> is a good estimate of the status of each string of stones currently
> on the board, and the eventual owner of each empty space.

Monte Carlo is quite good at this - and Botnoid uses this information to
modify it's move choices to a certain extent and it gives it a pretty
good boost in strength.  

I think you have to do more than just partitioning,  you might have to 
assign the stones on the borders of the partition some status such as
"never die" or something.    A string that straddles a partition may
have only 1 liberty in the other partition so perhaps just allowing
simple captures outside your partition would be a big improvement.

I think this is worth pursuing - but it's going to very tricky getting
it right.

- Don

> In the zone logic, stones adjacent to the border would count the border
> as friendly or unfriendly based on the best estimate of that status.
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