Le jeudi 25 janvier 2007 02:16, Lars Nilsson a écrit :
> On 1/24/07, alain Baeckeroot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > True i forgot about fantastic quantum-computer, which so far solved only
> > very specific and tiny problems or quantum mechanics.
> In the spirit of this, lets bring the quantum computer built at U of
> Illinois that computers its answer without actually running..
> "By placing our photon in a quantum superposition of running and not
> running the search algorithm, we obtained information about the answer
> even when the photon did not run the search algorithm," said graduate
> student Onur Hosten, lead author of the Nature paper. "We also showed
> theoretically how to obtain the answer without ever running the
> algorithm, by using a 'chained Zeno' effect."
> http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/06/0222quantum.html
> That should take care of any objection like the universe would end
> before the computer finished searching the entire game-tree. ;)
> Lars Nilsson

Last paragraph begin by this sentence:
"While the researchers’ optical quantum computer cannot be scaled up,..."

" Kwiat’s team succeeded in counterfactually searching a four-element
 database using Grover’s quantum search algorithm."

Grover's algorithm is O(N^1/2) instead of O(N) wich might not be enought
for go.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grover%27s_algorithm

"Utilizing two coupled optical interferometers, nested within a third,"
I m afraid using 3 interferometer to search a 4 bit data base is 
slightly inefficient and costly :)

If this could scale, it would need more than 500 interferometers to build
a go-enabled machine. (or 500*501/2 ?)

This is thermodynamical principe, you need an inifinetly big machine to
do something infinitely small. This is already true for current computers,
Moore law also describe the resources needed for building new more powerful
computers (money, plants, complexity of the whole stuff ...) ,not doubling
each 18 month , but regurlarly increasing, to such a point that financial
or material resource can become the limiting factor soon.

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