On Wed, 2007-01-24 at 09:17 -0800, terry mcintyre wrote:
> > I could make a guess, but I certainly don't trust my intuition here.
> > My guess is that God could program a core 2 duo system of today to
> > beat a strong human.
> There are limits to what a core 2 duo can compute in a reasonable 
> amount of time, no matter how sophisticated the program. So many
> instructions per second, so many bits of change, so much information
> gathered ... does this approach what a Meijin does with a large
> fraction
> of 10^15 neurons all working in tandem?

I envision God using something perhaps like an extremely sophisticated 
neural net.  It would be enhanced way beyond what we know - and there
would be no training involved, it would just be hard coded with the
right connection weights.   However it's quite certain that this program
would be advanced WAY beyond the software we are writing today. 

Of course I don't know if anything resembling a neural network would
be used, but I use it as an example.   It could have the ideal topology,
the ideal weights,  and a far more advanced design in general.  

I also believe, based on the design of the human brain, that it might
have on the fly learning features.   When humans study a position for
a long time,  we tend to get "waves of understanding."    I know I
have done that with chess,  where I think I understand the basics of
a position but as I consider it I keep getting updates that make me
understand it better.    

Another thing we do when playing a game is that we don't start fresh
at every move.   Most of what we know about the 40th move we learned
from the first 39 moves - we just keep updating information as it's
added and removed.   

There are many possibilities that an omniscient begin would know how
to add to a program.

I am fairly sure a perfect program would be impossible, even among
the set of all possible programs that could find a move within let's
say 60 seconds per move.  

- Don

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