Ah, accounting for that seems to fix the problem. Thanks!

Peter Drake
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Lewis & Clark College

On Jan 13, 2007, at 6:54 AM, Eduardo Sabbatella Riccardi wrote:

It seems that you GTP implementation doesn´t implements the
command "final_score".

About the passes. I found that "pass" move is not sent by twogtp.py to the
other player.

So, from a black player point of view, you will receive: "genmove black", you will process and return your move. If you receive ANOTHER "genmove black" it
means: "play white pass", then "genmove black".

It works for me, my gtp implementation works agains gnugo, agains itself and
with the KGS client.

I hope it helps,

On Friday 12 January 2007 16:47, Peter Drake wrote:
I used the Python version and it worked almost perfectly on the first
try -- thanks!  Here's the command I used:

python /Applications/gnugo-3.6/interface/gtp_examples/twogtp.py --
black '<path to my program here>' --white '/usr/local/bin/gnugo --
mode gtp --quiet --level 1 --never-resign --chinese-rules --capture-
all-dead' --verbose 2 --komi 7.5 --size 9

It played out the game, but at the end this happened:

Black passes
    A B C D E F G H J
9 O O . O . O O O . 9
8 O O O O O O . O O 8
7 . O O . O O O . O 7
6 O O O O O . O O . 6
5 O O O O O O . O O 5
4 . O O . O . O O . 4
3 O O + O . O O . O 3
2 O . O O O O O O . 2     WHITE (O) has captured 51 stones
1 . O . O . O . O O 1     BLACK (X) has captured 0 stones
    A B C D E F G H J

Game 1: W+88.5 ERROR: GTP Command failed: unknown command
Game 1: ERROR: GTP Command failed: unknown command W+88.5
White: 3.400s CPU time

I interpret this to mean that the script sent "W+88.5" as a GTP
command to my program, which of course didn't understand it. Is this
standard GTP or something specific to GNU Go? Would a reasonable
response be to silently acknowledge any command whose second
character is "+"?

(Lest Orego's honor be besmirched, I should clarify that I was only
allowing Orego one second per move while testing out the protocol.
Hopefully it won't get wiped off the board by GNU Go level 1 if I
give Orego more time.)

Peter Drake
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Lewis & Clark College

On Nov 20, 2006, at 3:44 AM, alain Baeckeroot wrote:
Le vendredi 17 novembre 2006 18:41, Peter Drake a écrit :
Orego speaks GTP, as does gnugo. I'd like to run a bunch of games
(say, 50) between them to see how many Orego wins. Does anyone have a
handy script (ideally bash or Python) for this?


Peter Drake
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Lewis & Clark College

In GNU Go package you have tools interface/gtp_examples/twogtp.xyz
in various

my 2 cents
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