On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 15:51 +0000, Mehdi Ahmadi wrote:
> Hello & thank in advance for any interests/ responses.
> I'm unfortunately (or not) doing a dissertation as part of my final year
> project (undergraduate) on the game of Go. The exact title is: "Can the game
> of go be solved? Analysis of computational methodologies for go." And I have
> included my overall objectives below. 
> I have many works from different people on different aspects of Computer Go
> which would make for great inclusion at different parts - but overall I am
> still gravely struggling. In reviewing some of these my greatest difficulty
> is in understanding exactly how say Monte-Carlo-UCT or even Alpha-Beta
> testing (pruning, etc) occur so as to be able to give a simplified depiction
> (illustrated or otherwise) of the process. Can this be done without having
> to go through the source code of say something like GNU Go?
> Also another difficulty I've had is in trying to get further information on
> the commonly referred top ranking packages, Handtalk, Go++, Many Faces of
> Go, etc due to their commercial nature? (the only thing I've been able to
> find which is a bit outdated:
> http://www.inventivity.com/OpenGo/Papers/EditedGoPapers.html).

If they still exist online, most of these papers are suggested reading,

WRT classic methods (alpha-beta, evaluation, Zobrist hashing, etc) a lot
of material can be found in computer-chess publications.

Another source of links can be found at Markus Enzenberger's online


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