On Thu, 2006-12-28 at 15:36 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> And to be more precise,  here is how it might work:
>   Handicap 
>   --------
>       0    - komi is 7.5 and either player plays black.
>       1    - komi is 0.5 and weaker player plays black.
>       2    - komi is 0.5, weaker player gets black, white gets 2
> points.
>       3    - komi is 0.5, weaker player gets black, white gets 3
> points.
> At 2 handicap and beyond, the net effect is as if komi was increased
> by
> the number of stones handicap (but it won't be implemented that way.)
> Is this how everyone else understands it?
> - Don

And your programs must be set up to "just understand this" if it

So if it is asked to play  a fixed_handicap game on CGOS
of 2 stones and a komi of 0.5,  it will know where to put the
stones initially,   it will understand that at the end of the 
game, the score it calculated the normal way, and that  0.5 
is added to white for komi and an additional 2 points is added
to white for handicap stone compensation. 

If the handicap is 1 stone,  it is the same as a game played on
CGOS today except komi is set to 0.5.   Nothing else changes in
this case.

- Don

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