On 12/26/06, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes,  the answer is that there is no gtp command available that defines
whether handicap stones are also compensated or by how much.

Just like there's no GTP command to define the ruleset. This
compensation is 0 in japanese rules, N in chinese rules, N-1 in AGA
rules, etc. So it seems more or less clearly defined by the ruleset
used. CGOS 9x9 uses a modified Tromp-Taylor right ? What does this
ruleset say about such compensation ? If it says nothing, let's just
choose between N and N-1 (since a compensation is logical when area
scoring is used), and add it to the set of input parameters that the
operators have to pass "off-line" (out of the GTP stream).

-- nando
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