Hi, here is an explanation along with the code:

First, my eyechecking is very fast:

 bool is_eyelike (color::t color, v::t v) {
   int diag_color_cnt[color::cnt];

   assertc (board_ac, is_ready ());

   if (((nbr_player_cnt[v] >> (color * 4)) & 0xf) != 4) {
     assertc (board_ac && slow_ac, slow_eyetest(color, v) != 4);
     return false;
   assertc (board_ac && slow_ac, slow_eyetest(color, v) == 4);

   rep (c, color::cnt) diag_color_cnt[c] = 0;
   diag_color_cnt[color_at[v::NW (v)]]++;
   diag_color_cnt[color_at[v::NE (v)]]++;
   diag_color_cnt[color_at[v::SW (v)]]++;
   diag_color_cnt[color_at[v::SE (v)]]++;

   if (diag_color_cnt[color::edge] > 0)
   if (diag_color_cnt[color::opponent(color)] >= 2) return false;
   return true;

Basicly it's all about this condition
((nbr_player_cnt[v] >> (color * 4)) & 0xf) != 4

color is 0 (black) or 1(white) .
nbr_player_cnt[v] is two 4bit  counters in one int.
Updating it is fast, as I add 0x01 or 0x10 depending on new neighbour.
nbr_player_cnt[v] += (1 << (new_nbr_color * 4));


So I do not allow for self eye filling. What I did is I was generating
pass when I made full loop on my circular list (array), without
finding legal move.

What I do now (from yesterday), I move all rejected moves (for any of
the players) to "rejected" array. When the main list gets empty, I
just memcpy rejected onto main and try again. I generate pass if after
memcpy, no legal move is found. This improved 30.1 -> 33.3pps.

If I allow for only one memcpy, then sometimes
one-eye-only-no-other-liberties dead stones
remain after the playout, but there is no to much thrashing on the end
of the playout and I get 37 pps

Hope this helps.


On 12/9/06, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have an implementation of your circular list in place, but I'm having
a difficult time dealing with the single point eyes which my program
does not allow as well as suicide which I don't allow either.

I built a little circular list and I put captured points back into the
list in random locations.   That part is fine.

My implementation does not allow suicide or moves to certain kinds of 1
point eyes.   When I reach those points in the list of empty
intersections,  I cannot play them, but I cannot dismiss them either.
They may be legal for the opponent and they may be legal later for the

Just for timing purposes I wanted to see what would happen if I just
pushed those to the end of the list and continued until I tried all
moves.   This is clearly not random but it does work.

Unfortunately,  near the end of games I'm thrashing around in the list a
lot and it's actually a slowdown.   There are too many unplayable moves
that I have to skip over but I cannot dismiss them.   These moves
dominate the list near the end of the game.

The problem is more with the eyes than with suicide.   You solved the
suicide problem by making it legal,  but I don't know how you solved the
eye problem.

I'm not sure what you are doing, but it sounds like you basically allow
ANY move to an empty intersection except a single stone suicide, in
which case you dismiss this intersection from the empty list forever.
This would probably cause your loop to terminate before going to far
even without an eye rule.

But is this understanding correct?   Can you clarify?

- Don

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 16:05 +0100, Łukasz Lew wrote:
> I really do randomize a whole vector of empty intersections before the 
> When I get new empty intersection I just pick random place in vector,
> move it to the end,
> and use the place for new intersection.
> Here is the code:
>   void add_rnd (v::t v) {
>     int ii;
>     empty_v_cnt++;
>     ii = pm::rand () % empty_v_cnt;         // TODO improve speed "%"
>     tab[empty_v_cnt-1] = tab[ii];
>     tab[ii] = v;
>     assertc (mc_legal_ac, empty_v_cnt <= max_size*max_size);
>   }
> I play the playout until there are no more legal moves. I allow ko
> recapture and large suicides. I have problem with signle stone
> suicides.
> So when one happens (I can only detect it by actually playing the
> stone), I just take next empty intersection.
> "Circular" reduces frequency of such wasteful events.
> It means that I check next empty intersection in the vector starting
> from the place I finished last time.
> I hope this is clear now. If not, just ask :)
> Lukasz Lew
> On 12/6/06, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-12-04 at 18:32 +0100, Łukasz Lew wrote:
> > > I deal with eyes by randomizing list of empty intersections before the
> > > playout, and while searching non-eye I go through them in circular
> > > manner.
> >
> > What do you mean by circular and what does this have to do with eyes?
> > I'm looking to speed my random player up a little bit more.   Here is
> > what I've been doing for the last year or two:
> >
> > I collect all the empty intersections into an array and I randomize them
> > as I go.   When a capture happens, it screws up your list - you must
> > either add those intersections back to the pool of empty intersections
> > or just reinitialize the list.   Right now I'm just reinitializing the
> > list from scratch again - probably not the fastest way.
> >
> > I could of course randomize the list of empty intersections with a
> > Fisher-Yates shuffle FIRST and then traverse the list in order till
> > there is a capture but I think this is more work on the average because
> > if you scramble a big list and the next move is a capture,  you have to
> > rework the list anyway and randomize again.    I guess you might call
> > what I do a "lazy" shuffle - you don't do the work unless you need to.
> > (However, if I knew I would always need the whole list, it probably
> > produces a little bit faster code to scramble them all at once in a
> > tight little shuffle loop.)
> >
> > The actually procedure for "incremental randomization" is that I pick
> > randomly from the empty list and then "fix the list back up" by swapping
> > this out of the way with the first element in the list (which gets moved
> > out of the picture because I bump up the "list start" pointer.)
> >
> > - Don
> >
> >
> >
> >
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