Perhaps your comment is related to something i write

I was not talking about the expressiveness of java
language. In that sense, Ocaml, Lisp, SmallTalk are
far, far away from Java.

Java is a C (almost C++) with garbage collection,
bound checking and variable initialisation. (its a lot
more than that, but for our interest, that are the
relevant things).

That's all. It is not a pet, it just very handy not to
have to take care about memory leaks, rebuild
everything every time I change the "Board" class, and
things like that.

As stated before, the faster I can test new algos, the
faster I will be able to find out something
interesting. Later, I can implement it on C.

> earlier - Java keeps
> getting presented as some kind of high level
> language than enables a
> natural expression of ideas.   This is total
> garbage.   Java is a low
> level language and very much a C dialect.  I don't
> understand where
> people are getting this - but I think it's because
> it's their pet
> language and they want to believe it's somehow extra
> special.    There
> are no special languages.

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