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fanjia pushed a commit to branch dev
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/dev by this push:
     new 4b5261c0cb [Doc][Improve] support chinese 
[docs/zh/connector-v2/sink/] (#8835)
4b5261c0cb is described below

commit 4b5261c0cbe26de8862209517f2fbcce630bc32f
Author: Gemini147258 <>
AuthorDate: Thu Feb 27 10:06:19 2025 +0800

    [Doc][Improve] support chinese [docs/zh/connector-v2/sink/] 
 docs/zh/connector-v2/sink/ | 273 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 273 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/zh/connector-v2/sink/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae95b9b0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/zh/connector-v2/sink/
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# S3Redshift
+## 描述
+将数据输出到AWS Redshift。
+## 主要特性
+- [x] [精确一次](../../concept/
+默认情况下,我们使用2PC commit来确保“精确一次”`
+- [x] 文件格式类型
+  - [x] text
+  - [x] csv
+  - [x] parquet
+  - [x] orc
+  - [x] json
+## 参数
+|               名称               |  类型   | 是否必填 |                       默认值    
+| jdbc_url                         | string  | 是      | -                      
+| jdbc_user                        | string  | 是      | -                      
+| jdbc_password                    | string  | 是      | -                      
+| execute_sql                      | string  | 是      | -                      
+| path                             | string  | 是      | -                      
+| bucket                           | string  | 是      | -                      
+| access_key                       | string  | 否       | -                     
+| access_secret                    | string  | 否       | -                     
+| hadoop_s3_properties             | map     | 否       | -                     
+| file_name_expression             | string  | 否       | "${transactionId}"    
+| file_format_type                 | string  | 否       | "text"                
+| filename_time_format             | string  | 否       | "yyyy.MM.dd"          
+| field_delimiter                  | string  | 否       | '\001'                
+| row_delimiter                    | string  | 否       | "\n"                  
+| partition_by                     | array   | 否       | -                     
+| partition_dir_expression         | string  | 否       | 
"${k0}=${v0}/${k1}=${v1}/.../${kn}=${vn}/"                |
+| is_partition_field_write_in_file | boolean | 否       | false                 
+| sink_columns                     | array   | 否       | 当此参数为空时,所有字段都是sink列 |
+| is_enable_transaction            | boolean | 否       | true                  
+| batch_size                       | int     | 否       | 1000000               
+| common-options                   |         | 否       | -                     
+### jdbc_url
+连接到Redshift数据库的JDBC URL。
+### jdbc_user
+### jdbc_password
+### execute_sql
+COPY target_table FROM 's3://yourbucket${path}' IAM_ROLE 'arn:XXX' REGION 
'your region' format as json 'auto';
+### path [string]
+### bucket [string]
+### access_key [string]
+### access_secret [string]
+### hadoop_s3_properties [map]
+hadoop_s3_properties {
+  "" = 
+ }
+### file_name_expression [string]
+### file_format_type [string]
+`text` `csv` `parquet` `orc` `json`
+### filename_time_format [string]
+| Symbol |    Description     |
+| y      | Year               |
+| M      | Month              |
+| d      | Day of month       |
+| H      | Hour in day (0-23) |
+| m      | Minute in hour     |
+| s      | Second in minute   |
+### field_delimiter [string]
+### row_delimiter [string]
+### partition_by [array]
+### partition_dir_expression [string]
+### is_partition_field_write_in_file [boolean]
+### sink_columns [array]
+### is_enable_transaction [boolean]
+### batch_size [int]
+### common options
+Sink插件常用参数,请参考[Sink Common Options](../了解详细信息。
+## 示例
+用于 text 文件格式
+  S3Redshift {
+    jdbc_url = "jdbc:redshift://"
+    jdbc_user = "xxx"
+    jdbc_password = "xxxx"
+    execute_sql="COPY table_name FROM 's3://test${path}' IAM_ROLE 
'arn:aws-cn:iam::xxx' REGION 'cn-north-1' removequotes emptyasnull blanksasnull 
maxerror 100 delimiter '|' ;"
+    access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    bucket = "s3a://seatunnel-test"
+    tmp_path = "/tmp/seatunnel"
+    path="/seatunnel/text"
+    row_delimiter="\n"
+    partition_dir_expression="${k0}=${v0}"
+    is_partition_field_write_in_file=true
+    file_name_expression="${transactionId}_${now}"
+    file_format_type = "text"
+    filename_time_format="yyyy.MM.dd"
+    is_enable_transaction=true
+    hadoop_s3_properties {
+       "" = 
+    }
+  }
+用于 parquet 文件格式
+  S3Redshift {
+    jdbc_url = "jdbc:redshift://"
+    jdbc_user = "xxx"
+    jdbc_password = "xxxx"
+    execute_sql="COPY table_name FROM 's3://test${path}' IAM_ROLE 
'arn:aws-cn:iam::xxx' REGION 'cn-north-1' format as PARQUET;"
+    access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    bucket = "s3a://seatunnel-test"
+    tmp_path = "/tmp/seatunnel"
+    path="/seatunnel/parquet"
+    row_delimiter="\n"
+    partition_dir_expression="${k0}=${v0}"
+    is_partition_field_write_in_file=true
+    file_name_expression="${transactionId}_${now}"
+    file_format_type = "parquet"
+    filename_time_format="yyyy.MM.dd"
+    is_enable_transaction=true
+    hadoop_s3_properties {
+       "" = 
+    }
+  }
+用于 orc 文件格式
+  S3Redshift {
+    jdbc_url = "jdbc:redshift://"
+    jdbc_user = "xxx"
+    jdbc_password = "xxxx"
+    execute_sql="COPY table_name FROM 's3://test${path}' IAM_ROLE 
'arn:aws-cn:iam::xxx' REGION 'cn-north-1' format as ORC;"
+    access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+    bucket = "s3a://seatunnel-test"
+    tmp_path = "/tmp/seatunnel"
+    path="/seatunnel/orc"
+    row_delimiter="\n"
+    partition_dir_expression="${k0}=${v0}"
+    is_partition_field_write_in_file=true
+    file_name_expression="${transactionId}_${now}"
+    file_format_type = "orc"
+    filename_time_format="yyyy.MM.dd"
+    is_enable_transaction=true
+    hadoop_s3_properties {
+       "" = 
+    }
+  }
+## 变更日志
+### 2.3.0-beta 2022-10-20

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