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wuchunfu pushed a commit to branch dev
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/dev by this push:
     new 0e61faf142 [Doc] hdfs file doc correct (#7216)
0e61faf142 is described below

commit 0e61faf1423085c3a5cb34b50392faa2e26730f6
Author: Jarvis <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jul 17 17:39:25 2024 +0800

    [Doc] hdfs file doc correct (#7216)
 docs/en/connector-v2/source/ | 2 +-
 docs/zh/connector-v2/source/ | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/en/connector-v2/source/ 
index c37f3fb121..20a2559ddb 100644
--- a/docs/en/connector-v2/source/
+++ b/docs/en/connector-v2/source/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Read data from hdfs file system.
 | path                      | string  | yes      | -                   | The 
source file path.                                                               
 | file_format_type          | string  | yes      | -                   | We 
supported as the following file types:`text` `csv` `parquet` `orc` `json` 
`excel` `xml` `binary`.Please note that, The final file name will end with the 
file_format's suffix, the suffix of the text file is `txt`.                     
 | fs.defaultFS              | string  | yes      | -                   | The 
hadoop cluster address that start with `hdfs://`, for example: 
-| read_columns              | list    | yes      | -                   | The 
read column list of the data source, user can use it to implement field 
projection.The file type supported column projection as the following 
shown:[text,json,csv,orc,parquet,excel,xml].Tips: If the user wants to use this 
feature when reading `text` `json` `csv` files, the schema option must be 
configured.                       |
+| read_columns              | list    | no       | -                   | The 
read column list of the data source, user can use it to implement field 
projection.The file type supported column projection as the following 
shown:[text,json,csv,orc,parquet,excel,xml].Tips: If the user wants to use this 
feature when reading `text` `json` `csv` files, the schema option must be 
configured.                       |
 | hdfs_site_path            | string  | no       | -                   | The 
path of `hdfs-site.xml`, used to load ha configuration of namenodes             
 | delimiter/field_delimiter | string  | no       | \001                | Field 
delimiter, used to tell connector how to slice and dice fields when reading 
text files. default `\001`, the same as hive's default delimiter                
 | parse_partition_from_path | boolean | no       | true                | 
Control whether parse the partition keys and values from file path. For example 
if you read a file from path 
`hdfs://hadoop-cluster/tmp/seatunnel/parquet/name=tyrantlucifer/age=26`. Every 
record data from file will be added these two 
fields:[name:tyrantlucifer,age:26].Tips:Do not define partition fields in 
schema option.            |
diff --git a/docs/zh/connector-v2/source/ 
index efb24571c8..efce1d1401 100644
--- a/docs/zh/connector-v2/source/
+++ b/docs/zh/connector-v2/source/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 | path                      | string  | 是    | -              | 源文件路径。         
 | file_format_type          | string  | 是    | -              | 
我们支持以下文件类型:`text` `json` `csv` `orc` `parquet` 
`excel`。请注意,最终文件名将以文件格式的后缀结束,文本文件的后缀是 `txt`。                                    
 | fs.defaultFS              | string  | 是    | -              | 以 `hdfs://` 
开头的 Hadoop 集群地址,例如:`hdfs://hadoopcluster`。                                      
-| read_columns              | list    | 是    | -              | 
 `text` `json` `csv` 文件时想要使用此功能,必须配置 schema 选项。                                 
+| read_columns              | list    | 否    | -              | 
 `text` `json` `csv` 文件时想要使用此功能,必须配置 schema 选项。                                 
 | hdfs_site_path            | string  | 否    | -              | 
`hdfs-site.xml` 的路径,用于加载 namenodes 的 ha 配置。                                     
 | delimiter/field_delimiter | string  | 否    | \001           | 
字段分隔符,用于告诉连接器在读取文本文件时如何切分字段。默认 `\001`,与 Hive 的默认分隔符相同。                          
 | parse_partition_from_path | boolean | 否    | true           | 
读取文件,则来自文件的每条记录数据将添加这两个字段:[name:tyrantlucifer,age:26]。提示:不要在 schema 选项中定义分区字段。  

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