This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

songjian pushed a commit to branch main
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/main by this push:
     new ce06affb [Feat][UI] Complete data pipes function. (#38)
ce06affb is described below

commit ce06affb928e8e877694285c10020d5da9487a3d
Author: songjianet <>
AuthorDate: Sat Mar 4 23:20:53 2023 +0800

    [Feat][UI] Complete data pipes function. (#38)
 seatunnel-ui/src/App.tsx                           |  21 +++-
 seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/data-pipes.ts       |  14 ---
 seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/setting.ts          |   6 +-
 seatunnel-ui/src/router/data-pipes.ts              |   4 +-
 seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/index.ts           |   9 +-
 seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/types.ts           |  13 +--
 seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/index.ts            |   9 +-
 seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/types.ts            |   1 +
 .../create/components/configuration-modal.tsx      |  98 ----------------
 .../create/components/use-configuration-modal.ts   |  85 --------------
 seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/create/index.tsx |  82 ++++---------
 .../detail/components/detail-overview.tsx          | 130 ---------------------
 .../detail/components/use-detail-overview.ts       |  51 --------
 seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/index.tsx |  57 ++++-----
 seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/edit/index.tsx   |  48 ++++++--
 .../src/views/data-pipes/list/use-table.ts         |   7 +-
 seatunnel-ui/src/views/setting/index.tsx           |  34 +++++-
 17 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 497 deletions(-)

diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/App.tsx b/seatunnel-ui/src/App.tsx
index 4c3e60bc..5ed0f946 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/App.tsx
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/App.tsx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import { defineComponent, computed } from 'vue'
+import { defineComponent, computed, watch } from 'vue'
 import {
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import { useThemeStore } from '@/store/theme'
 import { useLocalesStore } from '@/store/locale'
+import { useSettingStore } from '@/store/setting'
 import themeList from '@/themes'
 import type { GlobalThemeOverrides } from 'naive-ui'
@@ -37,20 +38,28 @@ const App = defineComponent({
       themeStore.darkTheme ? darkTheme : undefined
     const localesStore = useLocalesStore()
+    const themeOverrides: GlobalThemeOverrides =
+      themeList[currentTheme.value ? 'dark' : 'light']
+    watch(
+      () => useSettingStore().getFilletValue,
+      () => {
+        ;(themeOverrides.common as any).borderRadius =
+          useSettingStore().getFilletValue + 'px'
+      }
+    )
     return {
-      localesStore
+      localesStore,
+      themeOverrides
   render() {
-    const themeOverrides: GlobalThemeOverrides =
-      themeList[this.currentTheme ? 'dark' : 'light']
     return (
-        theme-overrides={themeOverrides}
+        theme-overrides={this.themeOverrides}
           String(this.localesStore.getLocales) === 'zh_CN' ? dateZhCN : 
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/data-pipes.ts 
index bea9dcc2..af381770 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/data-pipes.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/data-pipes.ts
@@ -38,24 +38,10 @@ export default {
   script: 'Script',
   kill: 'Kill',
   stop: 'Stop',
-  configuration: 'Configuration',
-  run_log: 'Run Log',
   add: 'Add',
   key: 'Key',
   value: 'Value',
-  engine_parameter: 'Engine Parameter',
-  self_defined_parameter: 'Self Defined Parameter',
   name_tips: 'Required fields,number, letter case, 100 characters',
-  overview: 'Overview',
-  input_metrics: 'Input Metrics',
-  historical_run_logs: 'Historical Run Logs',
-  bytes_per_second: 'Bytes Per Second',
-  total_bytes: 'Total Bytes',
-  record_per_second: 'Record Per Second',
-  total_records: 'Total Records',
-  output_metrics: 'Output Metrics',
-  end_time: 'End Time',
-  execute_time: 'Execute Time',
     'Whether to delete the data Pipe,It cannot be restored after being 
   data_pipes_publish_tips: 'Whether to Publish the data pipe.',
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/setting.ts 
index 6c6cfc9a..0e6ade7f 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/setting.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/locales/en_US/setting.ts
@@ -24,5 +24,9 @@ export default {
   theme_setting: 'Theme Setting',
   theme: 'Theme',
   english: 'English',
-  light: 'Light'
+  light: 'Light',
+  model: 'Model',
+  hue: 'Hue',
+  purple: 'Purple',
+  fillet: 'Fillet'
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/router/data-pipes.ts 
index 365d7bc0..9a06ede6 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/router/data-pipes.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/router/data-pipes.ts
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export default {
-      path: '/data-pipes/:dataPipeCode',
+      path: '/data-pipes/:dataPipeId',
       name: 'data-pipes-detail',
       component: components['data-pipes-detail'],
       meta: {
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export default {
-      path: '/data-pipes/:dataPipeCode/edit',
+      path: '/data-pipes/:dataPipeId/edit',
       name: 'data-pipes-edit',
       component: components['data-pipes-edit'],
       meta: {
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/index.ts 
index abf8f628..e5b39c29 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/index.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/index.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ export function scriptAdd(data: ScriptAdd): any {
+export function scriptDetail(scriptId: number): any {
+  return axios({
+    url: `/script/${scriptId}`,
+    method: 'get'
+  })
 export function scriptDelete(scriptId: number): any {
   return axios({
     url: `/script/${scriptId}`,
@@ -48,7 +55,7 @@ export function scriptContent(scriptId: number): any {
-export function scriptContentUpdate(scriptId: number, content: string): any {
+export function scriptUpdate(scriptId: number, content: string): any {
   return axios({
     url: `/script/${scriptId}/content`,
     method: 'put',
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/types.ts 
index 7fb80bd7..8c72a321 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/types.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/service/script/types.ts
@@ -24,22 +24,17 @@ interface ScriptList {
 interface ScriptAdd {
   name: string
-  type: string
+  type: number
+  content: string
-interface ScriptDetail {
+interface ScriptDetail extends ScriptAdd {
   id: number
-  name: string
   status: string
-  type: number
   creatorId: number
   menderId: number
   createTime: string
   updateTime: string
-export {
-  ScriptList,
-  ScriptAdd,
-  ScriptDetail
+export { ScriptList, ScriptAdd, ScriptDetail }
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/index.ts 
index 03cbe909..0e9f40bd 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/index.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/index.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ export const useSettingStore = defineStore({
   id: 'setting',
   state: (): SettingStore => ({
     sequenceColumn: false,
-    dataUniqueValue: false
+    dataUniqueValue: false,
+    fillet: 15
   persist: true,
   getters: {
@@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ export const useSettingStore = defineStore({
     getDataUniqueValue(): boolean {
       return this.dataUniqueValue
+    },
+    getFilletValue(): number {
+      return this.fillet
   actions: {
@@ -39,6 +43,9 @@ export const useSettingStore = defineStore({
     setDataUniqueValue(status: boolean): void {
       this.dataUniqueValue = status
+    },
+    setFilletValue(status: number): void {
+      this.fillet = status
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/types.ts 
index d45fe2cf..bc34f910 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/types.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/store/setting/types.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 interface SettingStore {
   sequenceColumn: boolean
   dataUniqueValue: boolean
+  fillet: number
 export { SettingStore }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f558368..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import { defineComponent, onMounted, toRefs } from 'vue'
-import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-import { NButton, NDataTable, NForm, NFormItem, NInput, NSpace } from 
-import { useConfigurationModal } from './use-configuration-modal'
-import Modal from '@/components/modal'
-import type { PropType } from 'vue'
-const props = {
-  showModal: {
-    type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
-    default: false
-  },
-  type: {
-    type: String as PropType<'engine-parameter' | 'self-defined-parameter'>
-  }
-const ConfigurationModal = defineComponent({
-  props,
-  emits: ['cancelModal', 'confirmModal'],
-  setup(props, ctx) {
-    const { t } = useI18n()
-    const { state, createColumns, handleValidate } = useConfigurationModal()
-    const handleCancel = () => {
-      ctx.emit('cancelModal', props.showModal)
-    }
-    const handleConfirm = () => {}
-    const handleClickAdd = () => {
-      handleValidate()
-    }
-    onMounted(() => {
-      createColumns(state)
-    })
-    return { t, ...toRefs(state), handleCancel, handleConfirm, handleClickAdd }
-  },
-  render($props: any) {
-    return (
-      <Modal
-        title={
-          this.t(
-            'data_pipes.' +
-              ($props.type === 'engine-parameter'
-                ? 'engine_parameter'
-                : 'self_defined_parameter')
-          ) +
-          ' ' +
-          this.t('data_pipes.configuration')
-        }
-        show={this.showModal}
-        onCancel={this.handleCancel}
-        onConfirm={this.handleConfirm}
-      >
-        <NSpace vertical>
-          <NForm model={this.model} rules={this.rules} ref='parameterForm'>
-            <NFormItem label={this.t('data_pipes.key')} path='key'>
-              <NInput v-model={[this.model.key, 'value']} clearable />
-            </NFormItem>
-            <NFormItem label={this.t('data_pipes.value')} path='value'>
-              <NInput v-model={[this.model.value, 'value']} clearable />
-            </NFormItem>
-            <NButton class='w-full' onClick={this.handleClickAdd}>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.add')}
-            </NButton>
-          </NForm>
-          <NDataTable
-            loading={this.loading}
-            columns={this.columns}
-            data={this.tableData}
-          />
-        </NSpace>
-      </Modal>
-    )
-  }
-export default ConfigurationModal
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b28e29d..00000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import { h, reactive, ref, SetupContext } from 'vue'
-import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-import { NButton, NSpace } from 'naive-ui'
-export function useConfigurationModal() {
-  const { t } = useI18n()
-  const state = reactive({
-    parameterForm: ref(),
-    model: {
-      key: ref(''),
-      value: ref('')
-    },
-    rules: {
-      key: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
-        message: t('data_pipes.model_validate_tips')
-      },
-      value: {
-        required: true,
-        trigger: ['input', 'blur'],
-        message: t('data_pipes.model_validate_tips')
-      }
-    },
-    loading: ref(false),
-    columns: [],
-    tableData: [{ key: 'key1', value: 'value1' }]
-  })
-  const createColumns = (state: any) => {
-    state.columns = [
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.key'),
-        key: 'key'
-      },
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.value'),
-        key: 'value'
-      },
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.operation'),
-        key: 'operation',
-        render: (row: any) =>
-          h(
-            NButton,
-            { text: true, onClick: () => handleDelete(row) },
-            t('user_manage.delete')
-          )
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  const handleValidate = () => {
-    state.parameterForm.validate((errors: any) => {
-      if (!errors) {
-        state.tableData.push({ key: state.model.key, value: state.model.value 
-        state.model.key = ''
-        state.model.value = ''
-      } else {
-        return
-      }
-    })
-  }
-  const handleDelete = (row: any) => {}
-  return { state, createColumns, handleValidate }
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/create/index.tsx 
index de3a9061..2699f08a 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/create/index.tsx
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/create/index.tsx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
+import { defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue'
 import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
 import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
 import {
@@ -26,52 +26,38 @@ import {
-  NTooltip,
-  NDropdown
+  NTooltip
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import { BulbOutlined } from '@vicons/antd'
+import { scriptAdd } from '@/service/script'
 import MonacoEditor from '@/components/monaco-editor'
-import Log from '@/views/data-pipes/components/log'
-import ConfigurationModal from './components/configuration-modal'
 import type { Router } from 'vue-router'
-import type { Ref } from 'vue'
 const DataPipesCreate = defineComponent({
   setup() {
     const { t } = useI18n()
     const router: Router = useRouter()
-    const showConfigurationModal: Ref<boolean> = ref(false)
-    const configurationType: Ref<
-      'engine-parameter' | 'self-defined-parameter'
-    > = ref('engine-parameter')
+    const variables = reactive({
+      name: '',
+      type: 0,
+      content: ''
+    })
     const handleClickDataPipes = () => {
       router.push({ path: '/data-pipes/list' })
-    const handleSelectConfiguration = (
-      key: 'engine-parameter' | 'self-defined-parameter'
-    ) => {
-      configurationType.value = key
-      showConfigurationModal.value = true
-    }
-    const handleCancelConfigurationModal = () => {
-      showConfigurationModal.value = false
-    }
-    const handleConfirmConfigurationModal = () => {
-      showConfigurationModal.value = false
+    const handleAdd = () => {
+      scriptAdd(variables).then(() => {
+        handleClickDataPipes()
+      })
     return {
-      showConfigurationModal,
-      configurationType,
+      ...toRefs(variables),
-      handleSelectConfiguration,
-      handleCancelConfigurationModal,
-      handleConfirmConfigurationModal
+      handleAdd
   render() {
@@ -93,8 +79,10 @@ const DataPipesCreate = defineComponent({
             'header-extra': () => (
-                <NButton secondary>{this.t('data_pipes.cancel')}</NButton>
-                <NButton secondary type='primary'>
+                <NButton secondary onClick={this.handleClickDataPipes}>
+                  {this.t('data_pipes.cancel')}
+                </NButton>
+                <NButton secondary type='primary' onClick={this.handleAdd}>
@@ -110,6 +98,7 @@ const DataPipesCreate = defineComponent({
                 style={{ width: '600px' }}
+                v-model={[, 'value']}
               <NTooltip placement='right' trigger='hover'>
@@ -125,39 +114,8 @@ const DataPipesCreate = defineComponent({
-          <NSpace vertical>
-            <NSpace justify='end'>
-              <NDropdown
-                trigger='click'
-                options={[
-                  {
-                    label: this.t('data_pipes.engine_parameter'),
-                    key: 'engine-parameter'
-                  },
-                  {
-                    label: this.t('data_pipes.self_defined_parameter'),
-                    key: 'self-defined-parameter'
-                  }
-                ]}
-                onSelect={this.handleSelectConfiguration}
-              >
-                <NButton secondary>
-                  {this.t('data_pipes.configuration')}
-                </NButton>
-              </NDropdown>
-            </NSpace>
-            <MonacoEditor />
-          </NSpace>
-        </NCard>
-        <NCard>
-          <Log />
+          <MonacoEditor v-model={[this.content, 'value']} />
-        <ConfigurationModal
-          type={this.configurationType}
-          showModal={this.showConfigurationModal}
-          onCancelModal={this.handleCancelConfigurationModal}
-          onConfirmModal={this.handleConfirmConfigurationModal}
-        />
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0151f77d..00000000
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/components/detail-overview.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import { defineComponent, onMounted, toRefs } from 'vue'
-import { NGi, NGrid, NSpace, NTabs, NTabPane, NDataTable } from 'naive-ui'
-import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-import { useDetailOverview } from './use-detail-overview'
-import Log from '@/views/data-pipes/components/log'
-const DetailOverview = defineComponent({
-  setup() {
-    const { t } = useI18n()
-    const { state, createColumns } = useDetailOverview()
-    onMounted(() => {
-      createColumns(state)
-    })
-    return { t, ...toRefs(state) }
-  },
-  render() {
-    return (
-      <NSpace vertical>
-        <NGrid x-gap='12' cols='2'>
-          <NGi>{this.t('data_pipes.input_metrics')}</NGi>
-          <NGi>{this.t('data_pipes.output_metrics')}</NGi>
-        </NGrid>
-        <NGrid x-gap='12' cols='4'>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.bytes_per_second')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.record_per_second')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.bytes_per_second')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.record_per_second')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-        </NGrid>
-        <NGrid x-gap='12' cols='4'>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.total_bytes')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.total_records')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.total_bytes')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-          <NGi
-            class={['flex', 'justify-between', 'py-4', 'px-3', 'bg-gray-50']}
-          >
-            <span>1212</span>
-            <span class='text-gray-400'>
-              {this.t('data_pipes.total_records')}
-            </span>
-          </NGi>
-        </NGrid>
-        <NTabs type='line' justify-content='space-evenly' class='mt-7'>
-          <NTabPane name='run-log' tab={this.t('data_pipes.run_log')}>
-            <Log />
-          </NTabPane>
-          <NTabPane
-            name='historical-run-logs'
-            tab={this.t('data_pipes.historical_run_logs')}
-          >
-            <NDataTable
-              loading={this.loading}
-              columns={this.columns}
-              data={this.tableData}
-            />
-          </NTabPane>
-        </NTabs>
-      </NSpace>
-    )
-  }
-export default DetailOverview
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index c9eba531..00000000
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/components/use-detail-overview.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
-import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-export function useDetailOverview() {
-  const { t } = useI18n()
-  const state = reactive({
-    loading: ref(false),
-    columns: [],
-    tableData: [{ name: '' }]
-  })
-  const createColumns = (state: any) => {
-    state.columns = [
-      {
-        title: t(''),
-        key: 'name'
-      },
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.execute_time'),
-        key: 'executeTime'
-      },
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.end_time'),
-        key: 'endTime'
-      },
-      {
-        title: t('data_pipes.state'),
-        key: 'state'
-      }
-    ]
-  }
-  return { state, createColumns }
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/index.tsx 
index cf01bb73..aa34cfdf 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/index.tsx
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/detail/index.tsx
@@ -15,31 +15,42 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
-import {
-  NSpace,
-  NCard,
-  NBreadcrumb,
-  NBreadcrumbItem,
-  NTabs,
-  NTabPane
-} from 'naive-ui'
+import { defineComponent, onMounted, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue'
+import { NSpace, NCard, NBreadcrumb, NBreadcrumbItem } from 'naive-ui'
 import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
+import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router'
+import { scriptDetail } from '@/service/script'
 import MonacoEditor from '@/components/monaco-editor'
-import DetailOverview from './components/detail-overview'
-import type { Router } from 'vue-router'
+import type { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
+import type { ResponseBasic } from '@/service/types'
+import type { ScriptDetail } from '@/service/script/types'
 const DataPipesDetail = defineComponent({
   setup() {
     const { t } = useI18n()
     const router: Router = useRouter()
+    const route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded = useRoute()
+    const variables = reactive({
+      name: '',
+      type: 0,
+      content: ''
+    })
     const handleClickDataPipes = () => {
       router.push({ path: '/data-pipes/list' })
-    return { t, handleClickDataPipes }
+    onMounted(() => {
+      scriptDetail(Number(route.params.dataPipeId)).then(
+        (res: ResponseBasic<ScriptDetail>) => {
+ =
+          variables.type =
+          variables.content =
+        }
+      )
+    })
+    return { t, ...toRefs(variables), handleClickDataPipes }
   render() {
     return (
@@ -52,24 +63,18 @@ const DataPipesDetail = defineComponent({
                   <NBreadcrumbItem onClick={this.handleClickDataPipes}>
-                  <NBreadcrumbItem>user-order-tables-10</NBreadcrumbItem>
+                  <NBreadcrumbItem>{}</NBreadcrumbItem>
-        <NTabs type='segment' class='mt-9'>
-          <NTabPane name='overview' tab={this.t('data_pipes.overview')}>
-            <NCard>
-              <DetailOverview />
-            </NCard>
-          </NTabPane>
-          <NTabPane name='script' tab={this.t('data_pipes.script')}>
-            <NCard>
-              <MonacoEditor />
-            </NCard>
-          </NTabPane>
-        </NTabs>
+        <NCard>
+          <MonacoEditor
+            v-model={[this.content, 'value']}
+            options={{ readOnly: true }}
+          />
+        </NCard>
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/edit/index.tsx 
index d5f9111f..7a5564f7 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/edit/index.tsx
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/edit/index.tsx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
+import { defineComponent, onMounted, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue'
 import {
@@ -27,21 +27,48 @@ import {
 } from 'naive-ui'
 import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
-import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
+import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router'
 import { BulbOutlined } from '@vicons/antd'
+import { scriptDetail, scriptUpdate } from '@/service/script'
 import MonacoEditor from '@/components/monaco-editor'
-import type { Router } from 'vue-router'
+import type { Router, RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded } from 'vue-router'
+import type { ResponseBasic } from '@/service/types'
+import type { ScriptDetail } from '@/service/script/types'
 const DataPipesEdit = defineComponent({
   setup() {
     const { t } = useI18n()
     const router: Router = useRouter()
+    const route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded = useRoute()
+    const variables = reactive({
+      name: '',
+      type: 0,
+      content: ''
+    })
     const handleClickDataPipes = () => {
       router.push({ path: '/data-pipes/list' })
-    return { t, handleClickDataPipes }
+    const handleAdd = () => {
+      scriptUpdate(Number(route.params.dataPipeId), variables.content).then(
+        () => {
+          handleClickDataPipes()
+        }
+      )
+    }
+    onMounted(() => {
+      scriptDetail(Number(route.params.dataPipeId)).then(
+        (res: ResponseBasic<ScriptDetail>) => {
+ =
+          variables.type =
+          variables.content =
+        }
+      )
+    })
+    return { t, ...toRefs(variables), handleClickDataPipes, handleAdd }
   render() {
     return (
@@ -54,14 +81,16 @@ const DataPipesEdit = defineComponent({
                   <NBreadcrumbItem onClick={this.handleClickDataPipes}>
+                  <NBreadcrumbItem>{}</NBreadcrumbItem>
             'header-extra': () => (
-                <NButton secondary>{this.t('data_pipes.cancel')}</NButton>
-                <NButton secondary type='primary'>
+                <NButton secondary onClick={this.handleClickDataPipes}>
+                  {this.t('data_pipes.cancel')}
+                </NButton>
+                <NButton secondary type='primary' onClick={this.handleAdd}>
@@ -73,10 +102,11 @@ const DataPipesEdit = defineComponent({
             <NSpace align='center'>
-                clearable
+                disabled
                 style={{ width: '600px' }}
+                v-model={[, 'value']}
               <NTooltip placement='right' trigger='hover'>
@@ -92,7 +122,7 @@ const DataPipesEdit = defineComponent({
-          <MonacoEditor />
+          <MonacoEditor v-model={[this.content, 'value']} />
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/list/use-table.ts 
index ae52e1ae..32a3299f 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/list/use-table.ts
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/views/data-pipes/list/use-table.ts
@@ -101,7 +101,12 @@ export function useTable() {
                   text: true,
-                  disabled: row.status === 'published'
+                  disabled: row.status === 'published',
+                  onClick: () => {
+                    router.push({
+                      path: `/data-pipes/${}/edit`
+                    })
+                  }
diff --git a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/setting/index.tsx 
index e7daa044..dc116c3e 100644
--- a/seatunnel-ui/src/views/setting/index.tsx
+++ b/seatunnel-ui/src/views/setting/index.tsx
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ const Setting = defineComponent({
               <NSpace justify='space-between' align='center'>
-                <span>{this.t('setting.theme')}</span>
+                <span>{this.t('setting.model')}</span>
                 <div class='w-56'>
@@ -90,6 +90,38 @@ const Setting = defineComponent({
+            <NListItem>
+              <NSpace justify='space-between' align='center'>
+                <span>{this.t('setting.hue')}</span>
+                <div class='w-56'>
+                  <NSelect
+                    value={'purple'}
+                    options={[
+                      { value: 'purple', label: this.t('setting.purple') }
+                    ]}
+                  />
+                </div>
+              </NSpace>
+            </NListItem>
+            <NListItem>
+              <NSpace justify='space-between' align='center'>
+                <span>{this.t('setting.fillet')}</span>
+                <div class='w-56'>
+                  <NSelect
+                    value={useSettingStore().getFilletValue}
+                    onUpdateValue={(s) => {
+                      useSettingStore().setFilletValue(s)
+                    }}
+                    options={[
+                      { value: 5, label: '5px' },
+                      { value: 10, label: '10px' },
+                      { value: 15, label: '15px' },
+                      { value: 20, label: '20px' }
+                    ]}
+                  />
+                </div>
+              </NSpace>
+            </NListItem>

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