heshiyingx opened a new issue, #905: URL: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/issues/905
### Before Creating the Bug Report - [X] I found a bug, not just asking a question, which should be created in [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/discussions). - [X] I have searched the [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/issues) and [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/discussions) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. - [X] I have confirmed that this bug belongs to the current repository, not other repositories of RocketMQ. ### Programming Language of the Client Go ### Runtime Platform Environment 运行环境:macOS14.7(intel),docker 使用镜像:apache/rocketmq:5.3.0 docker_compose整体文件包括配置如下: [docker-compose.zip](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17177759/docker-compose.zip) ### RocketMQ Version of the Client/Server ### RocketMQ Version of the Client/Server 使用的是官方镜像,apache/rocketmq:5.3.0 ### Run or Compiler Version openjdk version "1.8.0_422" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Temurin)(build 1.8.0_422-b05) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (Temurin)(build 25.422-b05, mixed mode) ### Describe the Bug 在2m2s同步双写的集群环境下,向普通topic中发送1000条消息。使用go SDK启动多个同消费者的消费者。能立即消费的只有一部分消息,另一部分消息延迟很高,有几十秒到上百秒的延迟。 经测试Java SDK没有这个问题 ### Steps to Reproduce - 下载docker_compose文件[docker-compose.zip](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/17177759/docker-compose.zip) - 修改所有broker配置文件中brokerIP1为本机IP - 使用docker_compose启动集群 - 进入某个容器,使用sh mqadmin updateTopic -n <nameserver_address> -t <topic_name> -c <cluster_name> -a +message.type=NORMAL命令创建topic。或者使用dashboard创建topic - 使用https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/archive/refs/tags/golang/v5.1.0-rc.1.zip这个SDK生产消息(5.1.1-rc1也是一样),然后同样使用这个SDK中的示例代码,修改EndPoint和topic,使用simple_consumer中的消费者启动. - 然后就能观测到只能及时消费一部分消息(经排查,好像及时消费到的消息属于一个broker,未及时消费到的消息属于另外一个broker) ### What Did You Expect to See? 消费者能够及时消费集群中所有的消息 ### What Did You See Instead? 现在只能及时消费其中一个broker的消息 ### Additional Context _No response_ -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: commits-unsubscr...@rocketmq.apache.org.apache.org For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: us...@infra.apache.org