frankcrc commented on issue #456: URL:
@odbozhou Hi, I have two questions I'd like to consult about: 1. Does this commit implement a synchronous checkpoint by merely writing the consumption progress of the consumer group (sync.gids) specified by the source MQ in the designated Topic to the replicator_checkpoint(default) topic of the connector MQ? This image ( displays the content of one message, and I only see topic, consumerGroup, upstreamLastTimestamp, and downstreamLastTimestamp. 2. How should I utilize this data to synchronize consumer progress? Is it by setting the consumer's consumeFromWhere to CONSUME_FROM_TIMESTAMP and using the latest upstreamLastTimestamp from the replicator_checkpoint? 你好,有两个问题想请教, 1.这个commit实现的同步checkpoint,只是把源MQ指定的Topic的消费者组(sync.gids)的消费进度,写到中间的MQ的replicator_checkpoint(默认的) Topic吗?这个图片([](url))展示了消息的内容,我只看到了topic、consumerGroup、upstreamLastTimestamp、downstreamLastTimestamp。 2.我应该如何利用这些数据来同步消费进度,是通过把消费者的consumeFromWherer配置为CONSUME_FROM_TIMESTAMP,并使用replicator_checkpoint中最新的upstreamLastTimestamp吗? -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: