humkum opened a new issue, #9083:

   ### Before Creating the Bug Report
   - [X] I found a bug, not just asking a question, which should be created in 
[GitHub Discussions](
   - [X] I have searched the [GitHub 
Issues]( and [GitHub 
Discussions](  of this 
repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
   - [X] I have confirmed that this bug belongs to the current repository, not 
other repositories of RocketMQ.
   ### Runtime platform environment
   Ubuntu 18.04
   ### RocketMQ version
   ### JDK Version
   Open_JDK 1.8.0_202
   ### Describe the Bug
   PushConsumer and LitePullConsumer's consumeFromWhere configuration didn't 
work in follow situation:
   1. New created topic
   2. New created consumerGroup
   3. There are some messages in topic's queue, which are not expired
   4. The value of (maxOffset - 0) not over the size the broker thought is in 
   ### Steps to Reproduce
   1. Create a new Topic
   2. Send some messages to the topic
   3. Create a new Push/LitePull Consumer, and start to consume message from 
the topic created, with the consumeFromWhere default configured as 
   4. We would find that the consumer didn't consume from the last offset, it 
would consume from the earliest offset 0.
   ### What Did You Expect to See?
   The consumer consume from the last offset or consume from the timestamp user 
   ### What Did You See Instead?
   The consumer consume from the earliest offset 0.
   ### Additional Context
   Root cause as follows:
   When new created consumer first consume from a topic, it would compute the 
offset from where to pull message. Because the brokers don't have it's consume 
offset, so the normal offset result should be computed as the 
consumeFromWhere's value, ConsumeFromWhere.CONSUME_FROM_LAST_OFFSET, 
   In computePullFromWhereWithException function: the consumer would query 
offset from the brokers to check if the brokers had the consumer offset. If 
not, it would set the pull offset to min/max offset or the offset corresponding 
to the timestamp configured, as follows:
   But in broker side, it the consumer start pull message for the first time, 
that there's no consume offset for it. If the min offset equals to 0, and the 
value of (max offset - min offset) is considered as in memory, the read offset 
would returned as 0. So the consumer would consume from 0, even it set 
consumeFromWhere as from last offset or from timestamp. As follows:

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