YxAc commented on issue #246:
URL: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-mqtt/issues/246#issuecomment-2119944009

   I will implement this for two parts, around the MQTT Broker.
   - Client -> Broker Publish process
   - Broker -> Client Publish process
   ChannelManager supports flow control interface
   For Broker sending and receiving messages, define the following functions
   - `boolean publishReceiveRefill()`
   - `boolean publishReceiveTryAcquire()`
   - `boolean publishSendRefill()`
   - `boolean publishSendTryAcquire()`
   Define `Map <String, AtomicInteger> pubReceiveQuotaMap` for the flow control 
from client publish to server, and count the sending quota for each client.
   Define `Map <String, AtomicInteger> pubSendQuotaMap` for the flow control 
from server publish to client, and count the receiving quota for each client.
   Clear the client's flow control quota during Channel cleanup.
   **Part I: Client -> Broker**
   - When a client initiates `CONN`, the Broker sets the maximum quota that can 
be received by the server when it returns `CONNACK`.
   - When Broker receives a `PUBLISH`, the client's send quota(i.e., Broker 
ReceiveQuota) decrements by 1, if Broker receives more than the maximum quota, 
it uses a `DISCONNECT` packet with Reason Code `0x93` to close the channel.
   - When Broker sends `PUBACK` or `PUBCOMP`, the sending quota of the client 
increments by 1.
   - When Broker sends `PUBREC` and the return code is greater than or equal to 
`0x80/128`, the sending quota of the client increments by 1.
   **Part II: Broker -> Client**
   - When a client initiates a `CONN`, the Broker gets the receive maximum the 
client can receive.
   - When Broker sends `PUBLISH`, the sending quota(i.e., Broker SendQuota) of 
the client decrements by 1.
   - When Broker receives `PUBACK` or `PUBCOMP`, the sending quota of the 
client increments by 1.
   - When Broker receives `PUBREC` and the return code is greater than or equal 
to `0x80/128`, the sending quota of the client increments by 1.

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