lizhimins commented on issue #8017:

   > > > @bxfjb If you want to extend the size of `writeFileChannel` to make 
`FileChannel.transferTo()` successful, you may try writing a byte at `position 
- 1`:
   > > > ```java
   > > > writeFileChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[]{0}), position - 1);
   > > > ```
   > > 
   > > 
   > > Eventually I decide to use `MappedByteBuffer` for 
`FileChannel.transferFrom()`'s worse IO preformance in tests, could you pls 
review the #8036?
   > In general mmap has a greater impact on page cache and may cause resource 
contention with normal commit log. We need to evaluate the impact on overall 
performance carefully.
   If the target storage is based on the POSIX protocol, using directIO is a 
good choice.

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