easyfrog opened a new issue, #717:
URL: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/issues/717

   ### Before Creating the Bug Report
   - [X] I found a bug, not just asking a question, which should be created in 
[GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/discussions).
   - [X] I have searched the [GitHub 
Issues](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/issues) and [GitHub 
Discussions](https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-clients/discussions)  of this 
repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
   - [X] I have confirmed that this bug belongs to the current repository, not 
other repositories of RocketMQ.
   ### Programming Language of the Client
   ### Runtime Platform Environment
   macOD: 13.6.6 (22G630)
   ### RocketMQ Version of the Client/Server
   ### Run or Compiler Version
   _No response_
   ### Describe the Bug
   Use rocketmq-client-nodejs, clean nodejs project , emit  Error: 1 CANCELLED: 
Call cancelled
   Rocketmq is in docker:  version is 5.1.3
   docker image: https://github.com/Xuchengen/rocketmq-docker-build
   start rocketmq docker script:
   # 参数:console端口
   # 参数:java程序连接端口
   # 参数:java程序连接IP
       docker run -e NAMESRV_XMS=128m -e NAMESRV_XMX=128m -e NAMESRV_XMN=128m \
       -e BROKER_XMS=128m -e BROKER_XMX=128m -e BROKER_XMN=128m -e 
       -e NAMESRV_ADDR=$mainIp:$mainPort \
       -itd --hostname rocketmq --restart=always \
       -p $vport:8080 -p $mainPort:$mainPort -p 10909:10909 -p 10911:10911 -p 
10912:10912 \
       --name rocketmq xuchengen/rocketmq:latest
   docker exec -it $cId /bin/bash -c "sed -i 
's/localhost:9876/$mainIp:$mainPort \-c \$ROCKETMQ_HOME\/conf\/broker.conf /g' 
   docker exec -it $cId /bin/bash -c "echo \"namesrvAddr=$mainIp:$mainPort\" >> 
   docker exec -it $cId /bin/bash -c "echo \"brokerIP1=$mainIp\" >> 
   docker restart $cId
   started success!
   here is rokcet-console screenshot:
   now I init a nodejs project and npm install rocketmq-client-ndoejs like this:
   <img width="1007" alt="iShot_2024-03-29_13 04 14" 
   the code is offical exmaple code in this page : 
   I only modify the endpoints part to my cluster url
   and then run this index.js file, I got this error: 
   > node index                  
   Error: Startup the rocketmq client failed, 
clientId=ztcmbp.local@11079@0@luc6ohqz, error=Error: 1 CANCELLED: Call cancelled
       at SimpleConsumer.startup 
       at process.processTicksAndRejections 
       at async file:///Users/easyfrog/work/rocketmq-test/index.js:9:1 {
     cause: Error: 1 CANCELLED: Call cancelled
         at callErrorFromStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at process.processTicksAndRejections 
     for call at
         at ServiceClientImpl.makeUnaryRequest 
         at ServiceClientImpl.queryRoute 
         at new Promise (<anonymous>)
         at RpcClient.queryRoute 
         at RpcClientManager.queryRoute 
         at #fetchTopicRoute 
         at SimpleConsumer.updateRoutes 
         at #startup 
         at SimpleConsumer.startup 
       code: 1,
       details: 'Call cancelled',
       metadata: Metadata { internalRepr: Map(0) {}, options: {} }
   Node.js v20.8.0
   ** error=Error: 1 CANCELLED: Call cancelled**
   so  how to fix it. It is realy a base clean project. and it can not run 
   ### Steps to Reproduce
   like above
   ### What Did You Expect to See?
   run success
   ### What Did You See Instead?
   an error occurred
   ### Additional Context
   _No response_

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