easyfrog commented on issue #653:

   same question! how to resole this??
   [class SimpleConsumer extends Consumer]
   runGroupIndex ERROR: Error: Startup the rocketmq client failed, 
clientId=d1c7d477527b@29@14@lubgqg2n, error=Error: 1 CANCELLED: Call cancelled
       at SimpleConsumer.startup 
       at process.processTicksAndRejections 
       at async run (eval at getApiHandlerFuncObject 
(/usr/rest-server/src/utils/utils.js:101:21), <anonymous>:194:9)
       at async eval (eval at getApiHandlerFuncObject 
(/usr/rest-server/src/utils/utils.js:101:21), <anonymous>:208:5)
       at async runGroupIndex (/usr/rest-server/src/routes/index.js:95:13) {
     cause: Error: 1 CANCELLED: Call cancelled
         at callErrorFromStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at Object.onReceiveStatus 
         at process.processTicksAndRejections 
     for call at
         at ServiceClientImpl.makeUnaryRequest 
         at ServiceClientImpl.queryRoute 
         at new Promise (<anonymous>)
         at RpcClient.queryRoute 
         at RpcClientManager.queryRoute 
         at #fetchTopicRoute 
         at SimpleConsumer.updateRoutes 
         at #startup 
         at SimpleConsumer.startup 
       code: 1,
       details: 'Call cancelled',
       metadata: Metadata { internalRepr: Map(0) {}, options: {} }

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