zhouixi opened a new issue, #7529: URL: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/issues/7529
### Is Your Feature Request Related to a Problem? spring boot : ` @Bean public Consumer getCommonConsumer() { Consumer consumer; try { Properties consumerProperties = rocketConfig.getProperties(); consumerProperties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.GROUP_ID, rocketConfig.getCommonGroupId()); log.info("rocketConfig{}",rocketConfig); consumer = ONSFactory.createConsumer(consumerProperties); String tags = ConsumerTags.getTags(); consumer.subscribe(rocketConfig.getTopicsCommon(), tags, commonConsumeListenerHandle); consumer.start(); }catch (Exception e){ log.error("consumer is fail !!! condumerId:{},topics:{},namesrvAddr:{}",rocketConfig.getCommonGroupId(),rocketConfig.getONSAddress(),e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return consumer; }` ` RocketConfig @Value("${ali.access.key.id}") private String aliAccessKeyId; @Value("${ali.access.key.secret}") private String aliAccessKeySecret; public Properties getProperties(){ Properties producerProperties = new Properties(); producerProperties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.AccessKey, this.aliAccessKeyId); producerProperties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.SecretKey, this.aliAccessKeySecret); producerProperties.setProperty(PropertyKeyConst.NAMESRV_ADDR, this.ONSAddress); return producerProperties; } ` Why does spring boot not verify AccessKey and aliAccessKeySecret during startup? It will cause the groupId of Alibaba Cloud rocket console. Can't find the registered consumer, cause the producer to push the message, the message will always be in mq, will be checked when sent, or am I wrong? ### Describe the Solution You'd Like Check AccessKey and SecretKey at startup to throw an exception ahead of time ### Describe Alternatives You've Considered Check AccessKey and SecretKey at startup to throw an exception ahead of time ### Additional Context _No response_ -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: commits-unsubscr...@rocketmq.apache.org.apache.org For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: us...@infra.apache.org