GenerousMan commented on issue #7477:

   Hello, I have verified the situation you mentioned. Below are some of my 
testing processes.
   ### Verification process
   Send a message and save the sending status of one of the messages:
   SendResult [sendStatus=SEND_OK, msgId=AC1004C454E75D099F62895F43C403E7, 
offsetMsgId=AC1004C4000078D300000000001181B9, messageQueue=MessageQueue 
[topic=TopicTest, brokerName=RaftNode00, queueId=1], queueOffset=999]
   Close using the test script and restart.
   Still able to query:
   Forcefully kill the process after startup and observe the query result:
   ### Preliminary conclusion
   After killing the broker with kill -9, it is indeed possible that the msgId 
cannot be found. The index folder is emptied after restarting, indicating that 
the recover process cleans up the index files.
   However, the offsetId can still be found, indicating that the message is not 
lost and is still in the commit log.
   Further investigation is needed to determine the specific cause.

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