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mseidel pushed a commit to branch AOO42X
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/AOO42X by this push:
     new 82c295457e Fix spelling in code comments (#212)
82c295457e is described below

commit 82c295457ef79eef7098a762a7c0eb4e376e1b26
Author: John Bampton <>
AuthorDate: Wed May 15 00:48:35 2024 +1000

    Fix spelling in code comments (#212)
    * Fix spelling in code comments
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: Matthias Seidel <>
    (cherry picked from commit ce18a1693bf9d765237cc05d4c0ed0a0d8c4ff14)
 main/sot/source/sdstor/stgdir.hxx                  |  2 +-
 .../sun/star/wizards/agenda/    | 52 +++++++++++-----------
 .../com/sun/star/wizards/web/  |  6 +--
 main/xmloff/source/text/txtparai.cxx               |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/main/sot/source/sdstor/stgdir.hxx 
index 50aa9f753c..ed87b9a5e1 100644
--- a/main/sot/source/sdstor/stgdir.hxx
+++ b/main/sot/source/sdstor/stgdir.hxx
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public:
        sal_Bool Commit();
        sal_Bool Revert();
-       void  OpenStream( StgIo&, sal_Bool=sal_False );         // set up an 
approbiate stream
+       void  OpenStream( StgIo&, sal_Bool=sal_False );         // set up an 
appropriate stream
        void  Close();
        sal_Int32 GetSize();
        sal_Bool  SetSize( sal_Int32 );
diff --git a/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/ 
index 454bb46a7d..8b69f43203 100644
--- a/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
+++ b/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ import;
  * 2.b. design is arbitrary.<br/>
  * As result the following limitations:<br/>
  * No column merge is allowed.<br/>
- * One compolsary Heading row.<br/>
+ * One compulsory Heading row.<br/>
  * <br/><br/>
  * To let the template be flexible, we use a kind of "detection": we look where
- * the items are read the design of each table, reaplying it after writing the
+ * the items are read the design of each table, reapplying it after writing the
  * table.
  * <br/><br/>
  * A note about threads:<br/>
- * Many methods here are synchronized, in order to avoid colission made by
+ * Many methods here are synchronized, in order to avoid collision made by
  * events fired too often.
  * @author rpiterman
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
      * data model. This keeps the status of the agenda document, and
      * every redraw is done according to this data.
-     * Exception: topic data is written programatically, event-oriented.
+     * Exception: topic data is written programmatically, event-oriented.
     CGAgenda agenda;
-     * the UNO Text Document serrvice
+     * the UNO Text Document service
     Object document;
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
      * The template-filename of the current template.
      * Since we often re-link section and the break the link,
-     * inorder to restore them, we need a template to link to.
-     * This is practically an identicall copy of the current template. 
+     * in order to restore them, we need a template to link to.
+     * This is practically an identical copy of the current template.
     String template;
@@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
     Topics topics;
-     *  Stores reusable OOo Placeholder TextFields to insert to the document.
+     *  Stores reusable AOO Placeholder TextFields to insert to the document.
     Map itemsCache;
      * This map is used to find which tables contains a certain Item, so
      * the keys are the different Items, the Objects are the ItemTable 
-     * When an Item must be redrawn (because the user checked or uncheced it),
+     * When an Item must be redrawn (because the user checked or unchecked it),
      * the controller is retrieved from this Map, and a redraw is issued on 
this controller.
     Map itemsMap = new Hashtable(11);
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
     int dateFormat, timeFormat;
     XNumberFormatter dateFormatter, timeFormatter;
-     * used to transfare time from VCL to UNO.
+     * used to transfer time from VCL to UNO.
     long docNullTime;
     Calendar calendar;
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
      * document-specific).<br/>
      * Initializes the Items Cache map.
      * Analyses the document:<br/>
-     * -find all "fille-ins" (apear as &gt;xxx&lt; in the document).
+     * -find all "fille-ins" (appear as &gt;xxx&lt; in the document).
      * -analyze all items sections (and the tables in them).
      * -locate the titles and actualize them
      * -analyze the topics table
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
      * hidden sections exist when an item's section is hidden because the
      * user specified not to display any items which it contains.
-     * When finishing the wizard removes this sections entireley from the 
+     * When finishing the wizard removes this sections entirely from the 
     private void deleteHiddenSections()
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
      * create the minutes for the given topics or remove the minutes section 
from the document.
      * If no topics are supplied, or the user 
-     * specified not to create minuts, the minutes section will be removed, 
+     * specified not to create minutes, the minutes section will be removed,
      * @param topicsData supplies PropertyValue arrays containing the values 
for the topics. 
     public synchronized void createMinutes(List topicsData)
@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument implements 
TemplateConsts, Data
      * given a text range and a text, fills the given
      * text range with the given text.
-     * If the given text is empty, uses a placeholder with the giveb 
placeholder text.
+     * If the given text is empty, uses a placeholder with the given 
placeholder text.
      * @param range text range to fill
      * @param text the text to fill to the text range object.
      * @param placeholder the placeholder text to use, if the text argument is 
empty (null or PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING)
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
                 int rowIndex = getRowIndex(cursor);
                 int rowsCount = 
getRowCount(UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextTable.class, table));
-                /* now before deleteing i move the cursor up so it 
+                /* now before deleting I move the cursor up so it
                  * does not disappear, because it will crash office.
@@ -1103,13 +1103,13 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
      * This class handles the preview of the topics table.
      * You can call it the controller of the topics table.
      * It differs from ItemsTable in that it has no data model - 
-     * the update is done programttically.<br/>
+     * the update is done programmatically.<br/>
      * <br/>
      * The decision to make this class a class by its own
      * was done out of logic reasons and not design/functionality reasons,
      * since there is anyway only one instance of this class at runtime
      * it could have also be implemented in the AgendaTemplate class
-     * but for clarity and separation I decided to make a sub class for it.
+     * but for clarity and separation I decided to make a subclass for it.
      * @author rp143992
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
          * We hold the format of the last row, because one might wish to give 
          * a special format, other than the one on the bottom of each topic.
          * The left and right borders of the whole table are, on the other 
-         * part of the topics rows format, and need not be preserved 
+         * part of the topics rows format, and need not be preserved 
         public Topics()
@@ -1360,12 +1360,12 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
          * preview document, in response to a change in the gui (by the user).
          * Since the structure of the topics table is flexible, we don't 
reference a cell
          * number. Rather, we use "what" argument to specify which cell should 
be redrawn.
-         * The Topics object, which analyzed the structure of the topics table 
-         * initialization, refreshes the approperiate cell.
+         * The Topics object, which analyzed the structure of the topics table 
+         * initialization, refreshes the appropriate cell.
          * @param topic index of the topic (0 based).
          * @param what 0 for num, 1 for topic, 2 for responsible, 3 for 
          * @param data the row's data.
-         * @throws Exception if something goes wrong (thow nothing should)
+         * @throws Exception if something goes wrong (though nothing should)
         public void writeCell(int topic, int what, PropertyValue[] data) 
throws Exception
@@ -1472,11 +1472,11 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
          * topics table to the given number of topics.
          * Note this method does only reducing - if
          * the number of topics given is greater than the
-         * number of actuall topics it does *not* add
+         * number of actual topics it does *not* add
          * new rows !
          * Note also that the first topic will never be removed.
          * If the table contains no topics, the whole section will 
-         * be removed uppon finishing.
+         * be removed upon finishing.
          * The reason for that is a "table-design" one: the first topic is
          * maintained in order to be able to add rows with a design of this 
          * and not of the header row.
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
-         * reaply the format of the last row.
+         * reapply the format of the last row.
         private void formatLastRow()
@@ -1592,7 +1592,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
-     * Convenience method, costs the given object to an XNamed, and returnes 
its name.
+     * Convenience method, costs the given object to an XNamed, and returns 
its name.
      * @param obj an XNamed object.
      * @return the name of the given object.
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ public class AgendaTemplate extends TextDocument 
implements TemplateConsts, Data
- *                  End of AgendaTempalte class
+ *                  End of AgendaTemplate class
diff --git a/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/ 
index 94225529a3..8a30e59b42 100644
--- a/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
+++ b/main/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/web/
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ import;
  * <BR/>
  * two buttons: "other" and "none" which are there
  * to enable choosing images that are not in the list and
- * "no image" respectivley, are optional, with default to true,
+ * "no image" respectively, are optional, with default to true,
  * so dialogs which do not need those, should set the corresponding
  * members showDeselectButton and/or showOtherButton to false.
  * <br/>
- * the consturctor should receive, among others, an Array of String resources 
- see 
+ * the constructor should receive, among others, an Array of String resources 
- see
  * constructor documentation for details.
  * @author rpiterman
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public abstract class ImageListDialog extends UnoDialog2 
implements UIConsts
         String template;
-         * @param aTempalte a template for this renderer.
+         * @param aTemplate a template for this renderer.
          * The strings %START, %END ,%TOTAL will be replaced
          * with the actual values.
diff --git a/main/xmloff/source/text/txtparai.cxx 
index c90afc65c5..54a8c32dee 100644
--- a/main/xmloff/source/text/txtparai.cxx
+++ b/main/xmloff/source/text/txtparai.cxx
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ void XMLMetaFieldImportContext::InsertMeta(
  * All *-mark-end index marks should instantiate *this* class (because
  * it doesn't process attributes other than ID), while the *-mark and
- * *-mark-start classes should instantiate the apporpiate subclasses.
+ * *-mark-start classes should instantiate the appropriate subclasses.
 class XMLIndexMarkImportContext_Impl : public SvXMLImportContext

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