This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

franciscc pushed a change to branch Calc-Guide
in repository

    from b1ba63d  Update AOO41CG01-IntroducingCalc.odt
     new 528770c  AOO41CG01...odt #137 Accepted Keith's changes + minor edits
     new 84927ed  All chaps. except chap 1. Apply ListIntro style

The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Review/AOO41CG01-IntroducingCalc.odt           | Bin 980926 -> 977686 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG02-EnterEditFormatData.odt       | Bin 599701 -> 599993 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG03-ChartsAndGraphs.odt           | Bin 913289 -> 913603 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG04-StylesAndTemplates.odt        | Bin 300803 -> 301187 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG05-UsingGraphicsInCalc.odt       | Bin 2250628 -> 2250606 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG06-PrintingExportingEmailing.odt | Bin 493550 -> 493527 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG07-FormulasAndFunctions.odt      | Bin 684863 -> 685052 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG08-PivotTable.odt                | Bin 1428843 -> 1428925 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG09-DataAnalysis.odt              | Bin 316622 -> 316767 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG10-LinkingCalcData.odt           | Bin 445361 -> 445333 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG11-SharingAndReviewing.odt       | Bin 351013 -> 351792 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG12-CalcMacros.odt                | Bin 309711 -> 309699 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG13-CalcAsASimpleDatabase.odt     | Bin 1376540 -> 1376504 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG14-CustomizingCalc.odt           | Bin 631751 -> 632469 bytes
 Review/AOO41CG16-CalcFunctions.odt             | Bin 63754 -> 63813 bytes
 15 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

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