This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

cmarcum pushed a commit to branch standalone-test
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/standalone-test by this push:
     new 499ab82  Add README for using standalone automated tests (#137)
499ab82 is described below

commit 499ab82af044a4ea7f423f9d1adcd8ac7f551e73
Author: Carl Marcum <>
AuthorDate: Tue Sep 28 22:06:39 2021 -0400

    Add README for using standalone automated tests (#137)
    * added a test/ file
    * added logging output for command to be executed by ant
 test/ | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/build.xml |   1 +
 2 files changed, 117 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a46525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Apache OpenOffice<sup>®</sup> Test
+Apache OpenOffice contains automated test suites that can be ran against the 
office. The test framework is written in **Java** 
+and based on **JUnit 4**. 
+Currently, the test suite in **trunk** and other main branches like **AOO41X** 
and **AOO42X** can be ran against a normal installation 
+of the office or a just built "installed" office.
+This currently requires the user running the tests to have previously built 
the office from source as some required dependencies 
+for compiling the tests are used from the office build artifacts located in 
+Primarily these dependencies are things the Java UNO jars like juh, jurt, 
ridl, and unoil and tools like javamaker, regmerge, 
+and idlc.
+This README is documentation for using the test suites without requiring an 
office build environment or having built the 
+office from source in this **standalone-test** branch.
+## Caution
+When switching branches especially between AOO versions it's recommended to 
delete the jars in `test/lib` which will make 
+sure you get the correct versions of **JUnit** and **Hamcrest** libraries for 
your build since the test build will try to use the jars that are present but 
download the correct version if not found.
+## Installed Type Build Setup
+When we refer to an "installed" type build this means that you have built 
OpenOffice from source using build 
+config flag `--with-package-format="installed"`.
+Compiling the tests now require an SDK to be included in the office directory 
layout. When compiling tests using an "installed" 
+type build, the office and the SDK are in built into separate directories and 
need combined. One method is to copy them into 
+the test directory layout.
+If you have just built an "installed" build of the office you should have 
environment variables set you can use.
+For example on my Linux machine my local OpenOffice source repo is 
`/home/carl/dev-git/openoffice` and my variables are set like this:
+If you are using a new terminal you can run your environment setup script from 
`main` like:
+source ./
+If you have not previously ran tests you may not have a `testspace` directory 
under `test`.  If not create it:
+mkdir $SOURCE_ROOT_DIR/test/testspace
+And the directory for the office:
+mkdir $SOURCE_ROOT_DIR/test/testspace/install
+Now copy the "installed" office from the build location:
+cp -r 
+Then copy the SDK into the office:
+cp -r 
+## Compiling the Tests
+The tests are built using Ant and passing an `openoffice.home` property with 
the location of the office needed for dependencies.
+"installed" build example:
+ant -Dopenoffice.home="$PWD/testspace/install/openoffice4" compile
+Or an office in the standard Linux installation directory:
+ant -Dopenoffice.home="/opt/openoffice4" compile
+## Running Tests
+There are three test suites available. Build Verification Test (BVT), Function 
Verification Test (FVT), and Performance Verification Test (PVT).
+The **Build Verification Test** Suite includes approximately fifty unit tests 
used for general build verification.
+The **Functional Verification Test** Suite includes almost nine hundred unit 
tests to more thoroughly test the office features and UI.  
+_Not all tests are ran for each platform._
+### Running a Complete Test Suite
+BVT Example:
+./run -Dopenoffice.home="$PWD/testspace/install/openoffice4" -tp bvt
+FVT Example:
+./run -Dopenoffice.home="$PWD/testspace/install/openoffice4" -tp fvt
+### Running a Single Class
+./run -Dopenoffice.home="$PWD/testspace/install/openoffice4" -tc 
+### Running a Single Test Method
+./run -Dopenoffice.home="$PWD/testspace/install/openoffice4" -tm 
+### Run Help
+./run -help
+## Test Results
+By default, the testing output is stored in `test/testspace/output.***` where 
*** is the test suite type.
+* result.xml: Test result in HTML.
+* result.html: Test result in XML.
+* screenshot/: Screenshot pictures when test assert is failed.
+Open `test/testspace/output.***/result.html` in your browser to see the 
testing report.
+## Cleaning Up
+Running clean will delete compiled classes and build directories.
+ant clean
+The `test/testspace` directory, test results and "installed" office if used 
need to be manually deleted when no longer needed.
diff --git a/test/build.xml b/test/build.xml
index e68009b..ece910b 100644
--- a/test/build.xml
+++ b/test/build.xml
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
                <property name="test.executable" value="./run"/>
                <property name="test.args" value="-tp bvt"/>
+               <echo message="Executing: ${test.executable} ${test.arg0} 
${test.args}" level="info"/>
                <exec executable="${test.executable}">
                        <arg value="${test.arg0}"/>
                        <arg line="${test.args}"/>

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