Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/et/Archive/ ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/et/Archive/ (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/et/Archive/ Mon Apr 1 19:07:19 2019 @@ -0,0 +1,2043 @@ +ACLDump.DerivedRoles = Derived roles +ACLDump.DirectRoles = Direct roles +ACLDump.Hide = Hide +ACLDump.Project = Project +ACLDump.Roles = Roles +ACLDump.ShowDerivedRoles = Show derived roles +ACLDump.User = User: + +ACTION.Audit-Log---View = Audit Log - View +ACTION.Category---Add = Category - Add +ACTION.Domain---Administer = Domain - Administer +ACTION.Domain-Page---View = Domain Page - View +ACTION.Helm---Administer = Helm - Administer +ACTION.Licenses---Administer = Licenses - Administer +ACTION.Mailing-List---View = Mailing List - View +ACTION.Private-Mailing-List---View = Private Mailing List - View +ACTION.Project---Approve = Project - Approve +ACTION.Project---Associate-Project = Project - Associate Project +ACTION.Project---Associate-With-Project = Project - Associate With Project +ACTION.Project---Delete = Project - Delete +ACTION.Project---Designate-Subproject = Project - Designate Subproject +ACTION.Project---Designate-Superproject = Project - Designate Superproject +ACTION.Project---Edit = Project - Edit +ACTION.Project---Invite = Project - Invite +ACTION.Project---Lock = Project - Lock +ACTION.Project---Site-Specific = Project - Site-Specific +ACTION.Project---Suggest = Project - Suggest +ACTION.Project---View = Project - View +ACTION.Project-Content---View = Project Content - View +ACTION.Project-Member---List = Project Member - List +ACTION.Project-Page---View = Project Page - View +ACTION.ProjectGroup---Add = ProjectGroup - Add +ACTION.Resource---Add = Resource - Add +ACTION.Resource---Edit = Resource - Edit +ACTION.Role---Add = Role - Add +ACTION.Role---Delete = Role - Delete +ACTION.Role---Edit = Role - Edit +ACTION.Role---Grant = Role - Grant +ACTION.Role---Request = Role - Request +ACTION.Session---List = Session - List +ACTION.Start-Page---View = Start Page - View +ACTION.Unapproved-Project-Role---Grant = Unapproved Project Role - Grant +ACTION.User---Add = User - Add +ACTION.User---Delete = User - Delete +ACTION.User---Edit = User - Edit +ACTION.User---Edit---Self = User - Edit - Self +ACTION.User---List = User - List +ACTION.User---View = User - View +ACTION.User---View---Self = User - View - Self +ACTION.UserGroup---Add = UserGroup - Add +ACTION.UserGroup---Delete = UserGroup - Delete +ACTION.UserGroup---Edit = UserGroup - Edit +ACTION.UserGroup---List = UserGroup - List +ACTION.UserGroup---View = UserGroup - View +ACTION.UserGroup-Element---Add = UserGroup Element - Add +ACTION.UserGroup-Element---Delete = UserGroup Element - Delete + +ATTRIBUTE.adminEmail.Description = Email address for domain contact. +ATTRIBUTE.adminEmail.Label = Domain contact +ATTRIBUTE.allowGuests.Description=Checking this allows users to use public portions of the site without logging in. +ATTRIBUTE.allowGuests.Label=Allow guest access +ATTRIBUTE.allowJoin.Description=Checking this allows users to create accounts for themselves on the site. +ATTRIBUTE.allowJoin.Label=Allow user join +ATTRIBUTE.alwaysAllowDomainHome.Description=Checking this will make the domain home page visible to users who have not logged in, even though guest access is turned off. +ATTRIBUTE.alwaysAllowDomainHome.Label=Allow anonymous access to domain home +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-issuetracking.Description = New projects will be given a choice between the selected tracking components. +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-issuetracking.Label = Tracking component +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-issuetracking.issuezilla.display = Issue Tracker +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-issuetracking.scarab.display = Project Tracker +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-vc.Description = New projects will be given a choice between the selected version control components. +ATTRIBUTE.allowableComponents-vc.Label = Versioning component +ATTRIBUTE.blockRecursionIntoPrivateProjects.Description=Checking this prevents this role from being granted recursively in private subprojects. A user with such a role in a project will have that role recursively only in the project's public subprojects. +ATTRIBUTE.blockRecursionIntoPrivateProjects.Label=Block recursion into private projects +ATTRIBUTE.clickThroughSeen.Label = Has seen click-through? +ATTRIBUTE.clickThroughSeen.Description = Controls whether this user has seen the click-through boilerplate. Uncheck to make this user click through again. +ATTRIBUTE.welcomeSeen.Label = Has seen welcome page? +ATTRIBUTE.welcomeSeen.Description = Controls whether this user has seen the welcome boilerplate. Uncheck to make this user click through again. +ATTRIBUTE.subscriptionRequestAddress.Label = Domain wide subscription request +ATTRIBUTE.subscriptionRequestAddress.Description = The email address to use for domain wide subscription requests. Email is sent to this address from this Host when a user chooses to subscribe to TechNotes. +ATTRIBUTE.component-issuetracking.Label = Tracking component +ATTRIBUTE.component-issuetracking.issuezilla.display = Issue Tracker +ATTRIBUTE.component-issuetracking.scarab.display = Project Tracker +ATTRIBUTE.component-vc.Label = Versioning component +ATTRIBUTE.defaultProjectListView.Description=The default view underneath the "Projects" tab. +ATTRIBUTE.defaultProjectListView.Label=Default project tab view +ATTRIBUTE.defaultProjectListView.Projects.display=Project list +ATTRIBUTE.defaultProjectListView.Categories.display=Category list +ATTRIBUTE.denotesOwnership.Description=Checking this grants the rights of ownership to this role. +ATTRIBUTE.denotesOwnership.Label=Ownership role +ATTRIBUTE.enableResourceBundleOverrides.Label=Enable resource bundle overrides +ATTRIBUTE.enableResourceBundleOverrides.Description=Enable overriding of i18n resource bundles for internationalized Java applications. Requires CollabNet platform restart to take effect. +ATTRIBUTE.enableCommunitySection.Description=Checking this will show navigation cues for a community section separate from the CollabNet platform tools. +ATTRIBUTE.enableCommunitySection.Label=Enable community section +ATTRIBUTE.enforceClickThrough.Description=Checking this requires users to accept the Terms of Service agreement to use the site. +ATTRIBUTE.enforceClickThrough.Label=Enforce click-through +ATTRIBUTE.enforceWelcome.Description=Presents the welcome page to users. +ATTRIBUTE.enforceWelcome.Label=Show welcome page +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalACLCacheSize.Description=The size of the site-wide access control list cache, expressed as a fraction of the total number of users on the site +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalACLCacheSize.Label=ACL cache size +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalAttributeValueCacheSize.Description=The size of the site-wide attribute-value setting cache, expressed as a fraction of the total number of attribute-value settings on the site +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalAttributeValueCacheSize.Label=Attribute-value setting cache size +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalProjectCacheSize.Description=The size of the site-wide project cache, expressed as a fraction of the total number of projects on the site +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalProjectCacheSize.Label=Project cache size +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalUserCacheSize.Description=The size of the site-wide user cache, expressed as a fraction of the total number of users on the site +ATTRIBUTE.fractionalUserCacheSize.Label=User cache size +ATTRIBUTE.grantOnProjectCreation.Description=Checking this grants this role to creators of subprojects of this project. +ATTRIBUTE.grantOnProjectCreation.Label=Grant role on subproject creation +ATTRIBUTE.prohibitDeniedPersons.Description=Checking this will stop CollabNet platform from gathering the real names and organizations of users. +ATTRIBUTE.prohibitDeniedPersons.Label=Suppress gathering of real name and organization +ATTRIBUTE.destinationOnLogin.Label=Destination on login +ATTRIBUTE.destinationOnLogin.Description=Immediate destination of a user after logging in +ATTRIBUTE.destinationOnLogin.StartPage.display=User's start page +ATTRIBUTE.displayTimezone.Description=The timezone to use for displaying times and dates. Timezones can be specified as GMT plus an offset, in the form GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm]. For example, use GMT-08:00 for PST or GMT-07:00 for PDT. +ATTRIBUTE.displayTimezone.Label=Display timezone +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.Label=Logging level +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.Description=The verbosity of logging produced by system operation and events +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.DEBUG.display=DEBUG +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.INFO.display=INFO +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.WARN.display=WARN +ATTRIBUTE.loggingLevel.ERROR.display=ERROR +ATTRIBUTE.logComponentPluginEvents.Label=Log component plugin events +ATTRIBUTE.logComponentPluginEvents.Description=Log each component plugin event and its completion to a separate log file +ATTRIBUTE.preserveHTMLHead.Label=Preserve HTML head content +ATTRIBUTE.preserveHTMLHead.Description=Check this box if you intend to use Cascading Style Sheets or Javascript in your customized project content. Not recommended if you will use office productivity or "WYSIWYG" Web editors to edit this content. +ATTRIBUTE.projectPathSeparator.Description=The string to use to separate portions of a project's parentage tree, e.g., "supersuperproject[separator]superproject[separator]project". Please include any needed spaces. +ATTRIBUTE.projectPathSeparator.Label=Project path separator string +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.Description=Whether new projects should be allowed to be public or private, and what the default should be. +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.Label=Policy on public projects +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.allPrivate.display=All new projects are private and must remain private +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.allPublic.display=All new projects are public and must remain public +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.defaultPrivate.display=New projects private by default +ATTRIBUTE.projectPublicPolicy.defaultPublic.display=New projects public by default +ATTRIBUTE.requestable.Description=Checking this allows users to request this role. +ATTRIBUTE.requestable.Label=Requestable +ATTRIBUTE.sendNewUserPasswordPlaintext.Label=Send plaintext passwords to new users +ATTRIBUTE.sendNewUserPasswordPlaintext.Description=Checking this will send new users their current password in plaintext instead of sending a ticket to set their password. This is a potential security risk and you should only set this if you really need it. +ATTRIBUTE.showProjectLinksOnCategoryHome.Description=Checking this adds links to project artifact resources on category home pages. +ATTRIBUTE.showProjectLinksOnCategoryHome.Label=Show project artifact links on category home +ATTRIBUTE.systemEmailName.Description=Name from which system email should be sent +ATTRIBUTE.systemEmailName.Label=Name for system mail +ATTRIBUTE.unsafeFileExtensions.Description=List of file extensions that prohibit a user to open a downloaded file directly through a browser plug-in. Entries are space separated (e.g. .wmv .mp3). +ATTRIBUTE.unsafeFileExtensions.Label=List of file extensions that should always be downloaded +ATTRIBUTE.userEditSelfAllowsEditOrganization.Description=Checking this allows users to edit their own "Organization" fields. +ATTRIBUTE.userEditSelfAllowsEditOrganization.Label=Users can edit own organizations +ATTRIBUTE.forbidLoginName.Label=Forbid login name from use in passwords +ATTRIBUTE.forbidLoginName.Description=If this box is checked, then users may not choose passwords which contain their login names. +ATTRIBUTE.forbiddenPasswordStrings.Label=Forbidden password strings (one per line) +ATTRIBUTE.forbiddenPasswordStrings.Description=Users may not choose passwords which contain these strings, or case-shifted variants of them. +ATTRIBUTE.minimumPasswordLength.Label=Minimum password length +ATTRIBUTE.minimumPasswordLength.Description=Users may not choose passwords shorter than this length. +ATTRIBUTE.requiredCharacterClasses.Label=Number of required character classes +ATTRIBUTE.requiredCharacterClasses.Description=A password must contain representatives of at least this number of character classes. Character classes are the following: <ul><li>Lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z)</li><li>Uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z)</li><li>Numeric characters (0-9)</li><li>Non-alphanumeric characters(!#$: etc.)</li></ul> +ATTRIBUTE.rejectEasyPasswords.Label=Reject easy-to-guess passwords +ATTRIBUTE.rejectEasyPasswords.Description=If enabled, proposed passwords will be rejected if they are less than six characters long, are based on English words, or are otherwise easy to guess. +ATTRIBUTE.passwordHistorySize.Label=Size of user's password history +ATTRIBUTE.passwordHistorySize.Description=A user may not change their password to a password currently in their password history. A larger password history will require users to have a wider variety of passwords. +ATTRIBUTE.adminPasswordChangesGoodOnceOnly.Label=Administrative password changes require user password changes after login. +ATTRIBUTE.adminPasswordChangesGoodOnceOnly.Description=If this is checked, then when a user logs in with an administrator-supplied password, they will have to change their password before being able to use the site. +ATTRIBUTE.userPasswordExpiryPeriod.Label=Password expiry period for non-admins (days) +ATTRIBUTE.userPasswordExpiryPeriod.Description=When the specified period has passed, non-admin users will not be able to use the site without changing their password. Setting this value to zero will disable this feature. +ATTRIBUTE.adminPasswordExpiryPeriod.Label=Password expiry period for admins (days) +ATTRIBUTE.adminPasswordExpiryPeriod.Description=When the specified period has passed, admin users will not be able to use the site without changing their password. Setting this value to zero will disable this feature. +ATTRIBUTE.passwordExpiryWarningPeriod.Label=Password expiry warning period (days) +ATTRIBUTE.passwordExpiryWarningPeriod.Description=Starting the specified number of days from a user's password expiration date, users will be informed upon every login that their password is soon to expire and that they should change it. +ATTRIBUTE.authenticationFailuresBeforeLockout.Label=Authentication failures before lockout. +ATTRIBUTE.authenticationFailuresBeforeLockout.Description=If a user fails authentication the given number of times, their account will be locked and an administrator must unlock it. Setting this value to zero will disable this features. +ATTRIBUTE.userLocale.Label=Email language +ATTRIBUTE.userLocale.Description=Select a language to use for email sent by the system. + +component-vc-Description.WhichToUse = Which versioning component to use for the {0}. The choices are CVS, and SCM (based on Subversion). + +component-issuetracking-Description.WhichToUse = Which tracking component to use for the {0}. The choices are Issue Tracker (based on Issuezilla) and Project Tracker (based on Scarab). See online help for more details. + +destinationOnLogin-DomainHome-Display.CommunityPage=Community home +destinationOnLogin-DomainHome-Display.ProjectList=Project list +projectLocale-Label.ProjectLanguage={0} language +projectLocale-Description.SelectALanguage=Select a language to use for this {0}. System-generated email sent to this {0}''s mailing lists will be sent in this language. + +ATTRIBUTE-SET.defaultHost.Label=General +ATTRIBUTE-SET.defaultDomain.Label=General +ATTRIBUTE-SET.defaultProject.Label=General +ATTRIBUTE-SET.defaultRole.Label=General +ATTRIBUTE-SET.policy.Label=Access policy +ATTRIBUTE-SET.enabledFunctionality.Label=Enabled functionality +ATTRIBUTE-SET.passwordSecurity.Label=Password security for domain users + +COMPONENT.helm.Description = Framework +COMPONENT.helm-cleanup.Description = Cleanup + +ActionPeer.NoActionByName = There is no action named "{0}". + +AdHocQuery.AgainstTheTigrisDatabase = Enter a SELECT query to be executed against the Tigris database. +AdHocQuery.QueryFieldName = Query to run +AdHocQuery.QueryResults = Query results +AdHocQuery.ReadOnlyPasswordNotSet = Configuration error: DATABASE_READ_ONLY_PASSWORD not set. +AdHocQuery.RunQuery = Run query +AdHocQuery.SQLSyntaxError = You have an error in your SQL syntax near "{0}" at line {1}. +AdHocQuery.TableDoesntExist = You have an error in your SQL. Table "{0}" does not exist. +AdHocQuery.UnknownColumn = You have an error in your SQL. Unknown column "{0}" in "{1}". +AdHocQuery.OrderClause = order clause +AdHocQuery.FieldList = field list +AdHocQuery.WhereClause = where clause + +AdminNav.ActiveUserSessions = Active user sessions +AdminNav.AdHocDatabaseQuery = Ad hoc database query +AdminNav.AdminHome = Administration home +AdminNav.BroadcastMessage = Broadcast message +AdminNav.BuildInformation = Build information +AdminNav.Configure = Configure +AdminNav.ConfigureHost = Host +AdminNav.ConfigureDomain = Domain +AdminNav.ConfigureProjectDefaults = Project creation defaults +AdminNav.GlobalAttributes = Artifact attributes +AdminNav.GlobalIssueTypes = Artifact types +AdminNav.Licenses = Licenses +AdminNav.ProjectGroups = Project groups +AdminNav.ResetClickThrough = Reset click-through status +AdminNav.Resources = Resource patterns +AdminNav.Roles = Roles +AdminNav.Sessions = Sessions +AdminNav.Shutdown = Shutdown +AdminNav.SiteStats = Reporting +AdminNav.UserGroups = User groups +AdminNav.Users = Users +AdminNav.ViewSystemLogs = View system logs + +AdminUtils.StatusOfHelmServices = Status of CollabNet platform services +AdminUtils.SelectTool = Select a tool. +AdminUtils.AdministrationTools = Administration tools + +AdminUtilsHelp.AccessReleaseNotes = Access release notes? +AdminUtilsHelp.UseAdminAuditLogs = Use the administrative audit logs? + +AssociationTargetProject.NoPermissionsForAssociation = You do not have the permissions necessary to associate {0} with {1}. +AssociationTargetProject.InvalidTypeForAssociation = A project of type {0} cannot be associated with a project of type {1}. + +Attribute.InvalidArtifactSubtype = "{0}" is not a valid artifact subtype. +Attribute.InvalidArtifactType = "{0}" is not a valid artifact type. +Attribute.InvalidAttributeForRoleType = A role of type {0} cannot have the {1} attribute. +Attribute.NullValueNotPermitted = Null value not permitted for attribute {0}. + +ComponentSelectionAttribute.InvalidComponentSelection = "{0}" is not a valid component selection. +EmailAttribute.NotValidEmailAddress = Value "{0}" for attribute {1} is not a valid email address. +FloatingPointAttribute.NotValidFloatingPoint = Value "{0}" for attribute {1} is not a valid floating-point number. +IntegerAttribute.NotValidInteger = Value "{0}" for attribute {1} is not a valid integer. +IntegerAttribute.TooLarge = Value {0} for attribute {1} is greater than the maximum value of {2}. +MultipleSelectionAttribute.MustSelectValue = You must select at least one value for the {0} attribute. +ShortStringAttribute.ValueTooLong = Value "{0}" for attribute {1} exceeds maximum length of {2}. +MinimumPasswordLengthAttribute.TooSmallForRejectEasyPasswords = If you are rejecting easy-to-guess passwords, you must specify a minimum password length of at least {0}. + +FractionalAttribute.ValueMustBePositive = Value {0} for attribute {1} is not acceptable; a fractional value must be positive. +FractionalAttribute.ValueMustNotExceedUnity = Value {0} for attribute {1} is not acceptable; a fractional value must not exceed 1. + +AttributeValuePeer.NoAttributeValueByArtifact = Attribute {0} has no value for artifact {1}. + +Banner.LoggedInColon = Logged in: +Banner.Login = Login +Banner.LoginHelpQ = Login help +Banner.Logout = Logout +Banner.PassColon = Password: +Banner.Register = Register +Banner.SCHelp = CollabNet platform help +Banner.CollabNetEnterpriseEdition = CollabNet Enterprise Edition +Banner.CollabNetTeamEdition = CollabNet Team Edition + +Banner.UserColon = User: + +BOFactoryService.ArtifactNotVisible = You specified a {0} that you don't have permission to see. +BOFactoryService.ArtifactNotViewableFromThisProject = You specified a {0} not native to the {1} project. You may only access artifacts from the projects that contain them. +BOFactoryService.deleted = Artifact {0} has been deleted. + +BroadcastMessage.Broadcast = Broadcast +BroadcastMessage.Clear = Clear +BroadcastMessage.EnterAMessage = Please enter a message and click <b>Broadcast</b>. This message will appear at the top of every paged viewed by every user until it is cleared with the <b>Clear</b> button. +BroadcastMessageHelp.UseBroadcastMessage = Send a message to all users on the host? + +BuildInfo.AppliedPatches = Applied patches +BuildInfo.BuildNumber = Build number +BuildInfo.ErrorAccessingBuildInfo = Error accessing build information +BuildInfo.InstalledNativePackages = Installed native packages +BuildInfo.Instance = Instance +BuildInfo.NoInstance = None +BuildInfo.NoAppliedPatches = None +BuildInfo.OperatingSystem = Operating system +BuildInfo.Version = Version +BuildInfoHelp.LearnAboutBuildInfo = View the current build version? + +CacheDump.Contents = Contents +CacheDump.Descriptors = Descriptors +CacheDump.ErrorSendingCacheInvalidation = Error sending cache invalidation for {0}: {1} +CacheDump.InterestedCachesInvalidated = All caches interested in "{0}" invalidated. +CacheDump.InvalidateInterestedCaches = Invalidate interested caches +CacheDump.Name = Name +CacheDump.NoteColon = Note: +CacheDump.Parameters = Parameters +CacheDump.RegisteredCache = Every registered cache is implicitly interested in the "*" descriptor. +CacheDump.SelectADescriptor = Select a descriptor and click the <i>Invalidate interested caches</i> button to send a cache invalidation event for that descriptor. Every cache on every JVM which is interested in that descriptor will self-clear appropriately. +CacheDump.Statistics = Statistics +CacheDump.ViewAllCaches = View all caches + +CacheRegistryService.CacheTools = JVM cache dump + +Category.ProjectStillHasSubprojects = The {0} category still has one or more subcategories. To delete it, you must first delete or move all its subcategories. + +CategoryAdd.CategoryNameFieldName = Category name +CategoryAdd.CheckCategoryBox = Check this box to make this category publicly viewable to the site at large. +CategoryAdd.CheckThisBoxToUseIndex = Check this box to use your category's www/index.html file as the category's description. This is useful if you plan to have a complex home page. This setting can be changed at any time. +CategoryAdd.CreateCategory = Create category +CategoryAdd.DescribeTheCategory = Describe the category in more detail here. +CategoryAdd.Identifythecategory = Identify the category with a one-word name displayed in all project listings. Use characters a-z (mixed case okay), 0-9, and dash (though not as first character); no spaces, underscores, or other punctuation. The category name cannot be changed, so choose wisely. +CategoryAdd.InitialProjects = Initial projects +CategoryAdd.InvalidCategoryName = Category name is invalid. +CategoryAdd.InvalidProjectTypeForInitialCategoryContents = The "{0}" project is of type {1}, and only regular projects can be associated with a category. +CategoryAdd.LongDescriptionFieldName = Description +CategoryAdd.NewTopLevel = New top-level +CategoryAdd.PublicCategory = Public category +CategoryAdd.ProjectExists = The {0} domain already contains a project called "{1}" +CategoryAdd.SelectParentCategory = Select the parent category for the new category, or "New top-level" to make a new top-level category. +CategoryAdd.ShortDescriptionFieldName = Lühikirjeldus +CategoryAdd.StarCategoryName = Kategooria +CategoryAdd.StarDescription = Kirjeldus +CategoryAdd.StarParentCategory = * Parent category +CategoryAdd.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +CategoryAdd.StarSummary = Lühikirjeldus +CategoryAdd.SummaryOfTheCategory = Enter a one-line summary of the category. +CategoryAdd.UseCategoryHome = Use category index.html + +CategoryDelete.ConfirmDelete = Confirm delete +CategoryDelete.DeleteCategory = Are you sure you want to delete category {0} and all its associations? This operation cannot be undone. + +CategoryEdit.AddNewProject = Add new project to category +CategoryEdit.CategoryElements = Category elements +CategoryEdit.CheckCategoryBox = Check this box to make this category publicly viewable to the site at large. +CategoryEdit.CheckThisBoxToUse = Check this box to use your category's www/index.html file as the category's description. This is useful if you plan to have a complex home page. +CategoryEdit.DescribeTheCategory = Describe the category in more detail here. +CategoryEdit.Description = Description +CategoryEdit.DescriptionFieldName = Description +CategoryEdit.NoMatching = No matching projects found. +CategoryEdit.NoProjects = There are no projects in this category. +CategoryEdit.NumberOfProjectsRemovedFromCategory = Projects removed from category: {0} +CategoryEdit.Project = Project +CategoryEdit.PublicCategory = Public category +CategoryEdit.RemoveElements = Remove elements +CategoryEdit.RemoveFromCategory = Remove from category +CategoryEdit.SelectParentCategory = Select the parent category for this category, or "Top-level" to make it a top-level category. +CategoryEdit.StarParentCategory = * Parent category +CategoryEdit.StarRequiredFields = Required fields. +CategoryEdit.SubmitChanges = Submit changes +CategoryEdit.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +CategoryEdit.SummaryFieldName = Lühikirjeldus +CategoryEdit.SummaryOfTheCategory = Enter a one-line summary of the category. +CategoryEdit.TopLevel = Top-level +CategoryEdit.UpdateSucceeded = Update succeeded +CategoryEdit.UseCategoryHomePage = Use category home page +CategoryEdit.UseTheContentsOfItsIndexHtmlFile = This project is setup to use the contents of its <code>index.html</code> file as its description. To make changes, edit <code>index.html</code> and check it into version control. +CategoryEdit.Category = Category: + +CategoryElementAdd.Add = Add +CategoryElementAdd.AddToCategory = Add to category +CategoryElementAdd.AllAvailableProjects = All available projects are already in this category. +CategoryElementAdd.NoMatchingProjects = No matching projects found. +CategoryElementAdd.NumberOfProjectsAddedToCategory = Projects added to category: {0} +CategoryElementAdd.Project = Project +CategoryElementAdd.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +CategoryElementAdd.Category = Category: + +ComponentLocalizationTool.Encoding = ISO-8859-1 +ComponentLocalizationTool.Bytes = {0} byte(s) +ComponentLocalizationTool.Kilobytes = {0, number, #.##} kB +ComponentLocalizationTool.Megabytes = {0, number, #.##} mB +ComponentLocalizationTool.Gigabytes = {0, number, #.##} gB +ComponentLocalizationTool.Terabytes = {0, number, #.##} tB + +CompulsoryClickThrough.Agree = Agree +CompulsoryClickThrough.Disagree = Disagree +CompulsoryClickThrough.Submit = Submit + +CompulsoryWelcome.SubscribeMe = Please subscribe me to the TechNotes newsletter. +CompulsoryWelcome.DoNotSubscribeMe = Do not subscribe me to the TechNotes newsletter at this time. +CompulsoryWelcome.Continue = Submit +CompulsoryWelcome.SubscriptionMailSubject = Technotes subscription request + +CompulsoryClickThroughTasks.TermsOfService = Terms of service +CompulsoryClickThroughTasks.PrivacyPolicy = Privacy policy + + + +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.Explanation = Click the button below to reset the click-through status for every {0} user. Each user (including you) will have once more to click through the boilerplate to continue using this site. This operation cannot be undone. +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.ClickthroughStatusOptions = Click-through status options +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.Submit = Reset click-through status for all users +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.Select = Select +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.Option = Option +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.Description = Description +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.TOSOption = Terms of service +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.TOSDescription = Each user (including you) will have to click through the Terms of Service page in order to continue using this application. +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.WelcomeOption = Welcome page +CompulsoryClickThroughReset.WelcomeDescription = Each user (including you) will have to click through the welcome page. + +Configure.DefaultsForProjectOptions = Defaults for project options +Configure.DisablingFunctionalityHere = Disabling functionality here will make it impossible for a domain administrator to re-enable it. +Configure.DomainOptions = Domain options for {0} +Configure.DomainOptionsForHost = Domain options for Host +Configure.EnabledFunctionalityForSite = Enabled functionality across site +Configure.HostOptions = Host options +Configure.MakeChanges = Make changes +Configure.ValueNotOfType = Value {0} is not of type {1}. +Configure.PasswordSecurityForHostUsers = Password security for host users +ConfigureHelp.LearnAboutProjectLanguage = Learn about the project language? +ConfigureHelp.ConfigureProjectTools = Configure project tools? +ConfigureHelp.ConfigureDomainProperties = Configure properties for this domain? +ConfigureHelp.ConfigureHostProperties = Configure properties for this host? +ConfigureHelp.ConfigureProjectCreationDefaults = Configure project creation defaults? + +ContentHelmNoodle.HTTPAcceptLanguageHeader = en-us + +ContextAPI.InvalidAttributeValue = Invalid value for attribute {0}: {1} +ContextAPI.InvalidEmailAddress = Invalid email address: {0} +ContextAPI.IsInvalid = Invalid input: {0} +ContextAPI.YouMustSelectAtLeastOneBox = You must select at least one box for {0} - {1} + +DomainAdminHelp.AddingAndEditingUserAccounts = Adding and editing user accounts +DomainAdminHelp.AdministeringLicenses = Administering licenses +DomainAdminHelp.AdministeringRolesAndPermissions = Administering roles and permissions +DomainAdminHelp.ApprovingDisapprovingDeferringProjects = Approving, disapproving, or deferring projects +DomainAdminHelp.CreatingAndEditingProjectGroups = Creating and editing project groups +DomainAdminHelp.CreatingAndEditingUserGroups = Creating and editing user groups +DomainAdminHelp.ManagingPasswordNotificationTickets = Managing password notification tickets +DomainAdminHelp.UsingDomainAdministrationTools = Using domain administration tools +DomainAdminHelp.CustomizingTheBranding = Customizing the branding of your site + +HostAdministrationTools.MantainIndexer = Index maintenance +HostAdministrationTools.IndexDump = View index dumps + +DomainProjects.Category = Category +DomainProjects.Description = Description +DomainProjects.NoProjects = No projects in domain. +DomainProjects.Projects = Projects + +EnterHelp.NoteNewWin = Note: link may open in new window + +ErrorPage.BuildVersionAndNumber = The version and build number <i>{0}.{1}</i> +ErrorPage.ClickOnYourBrowser = Please click on your browser's <b>Back</b> button, review your input, and try again. +ErrorPage.GetTheErrorAgain = If you get the error again, please <a href="{0}">notify us</a>, including the following information in your report: +ErrorPage.OtherRelevantInformation = Any other relevant information +ErrorPage.ScreenName = The screen name, field input, and action +ErrorPage.TheDateAndTime = The date and time {0,time,full} {0,date,full} + +Errors.Error = Error +Errors.Errors = Errors +Errors.FatalError = Error +Errors.FatalErrors = Errors +Errors.Message = Message +Errors.Messages = Messages +Errors.MissingField = Missing field +Errors.MissingFields = Missing fields +Errors.ValidationError = Validation error +Errors.ValidationErrors = Validation error + +FileArtifactManipulate.CouldNotChangePermissions = Could not change permissions for path "{0}". + +FilterMatchTypes.Contains = contains +FilterMatchTypes.Equals = equals +FilterMatchTypes.EndsWith = ends with +FilterMatchTypes.StartsWith = starts with + +Footer.DomainHome = Domain home +Footer.FeedBack = Feedback +Footer.IPStatement = Copyright © 2004 CollabNet, Inc. All rights reserved. +Footer.NoteNewWin = Note: link may open in new window +Footer.SiteFAQ = Site FAQ +Footer.PrivacyPolicy = Privacy policy +Footer.TermsOfService = Terms of service +Footer.DeveloperTools = Developer tools + +FormatRoleList.Pending = (Pending) + +HelmEmailer.NoOneHasResponsibilityForProject = Since no one seems to have responsibility for the {0} project, the following message is being sent to those with responsibility for the domain: +HelmEmailer.NoOneHasResponsibilityForDomain = Since no one seems to have responsibility for the {0} domain, the following message is being sent to those with responsibility for the host: + +HelmFormatter.ListDelimiter = ,\ + +HelmServlet.CouldNotFindServletClass = Could not find servlet class in the conf/servlets file using mapping of the requested servlet "{0}" to the class "{1}" +HelmServlet.EndlessErrorPageRedirect = Endless ErrorPage redirect detected! +HelmServlet.FileUploadError = There was a error while uploading your file(s). No action was taken. Please re-submit your form. +HelmServlet.InsufficientHostPermission = Your account does not have the "{0}" permission needed for you to access the page you requested (<a href="{1}">view your permissions</a>). To get access, you must log in using a different account. +HelmServlet.InsufficientDomainPermission = Your account does not have the "{0}" permission needed for you to access the page you requested in the {1} domain (<a href="{2}">view your permissions</a>). Either ask the site administrator for more permission, or log in using a different account. +HelmServlet.InsufficientProjectPermission = Your account does not have the "{0}" permission needed for you to access the page you requested in the {1} project (<a href="{2}">view your permissions</a>). Either ask the project administrator for more permission, or log in using a different account. +HelmServlet.InsufficientRequestableProjectPermission = Your account does not have the "{0}" permission needed for you to access the page you requested in the {1} project (<a href="{2}">view your permissions</a>). Either <a href="{3}">request additional permission</a> in the {1} project, or log in using a different account. +HelmServlet.MissingRequiredInput = You are missing the following required input: {0} +HelmServlet.NoSuchProject = The project {1} you are trying to access does not exist in {0}. See the <a href="/servlets/ProjectList">project list</a> for a list of valid projects. +HelmServlet.ProjectHasBeenDeleted = The {0} project has been deleted. You may no longer access it. + +HelmTool.ReservedLoginName = The login name you selected is reserved by the system. Please choose a different login name. + +HelpTOC.Creatinganewproject = Creating a new project +HelpTOC.HelpForDomainAdministrators = Help for domain administrators +HelpTOC.HelpForHostAdministrators = Help for host administrators +HelpTOC.HelpForProjectAdministrators = Help for project administrators +HelpTOC.HelpForProjectMembers = Help for project members +HelpTOC.HostedTools = Hosted tools +HelpTOC.NamingAndConfiguringYourProject = Naming and configuring your project +HelpTOC.Sitehelp = Site help +HelpTOC.UsingDomainAdministrationTools = Using domain administration tools +HelpTOC.Registering = Registering + +Host.NoDomainsInHost = No domains in host! + +HostAdminHelp.HostAdministrationUtilities = Host administration utilities +HostAdminHelp.ShuttingDowntheServer = Shutting down the server + +IfYouWereLoggedInYouCouldJoinThisProject.IfYouWereLoggedInYouCouldJoinThisProject = If you were <a href="{0}">logged in</a>, you could join this {1}. +IfYouWereLoggedInYouCouldJoinThisProject.IfYouWereRegisteredAndLoggedInYouCouldJoinThisProject = If you were <a href="{0}">registered</a> and <a href="{1}">logged in</a>, you could join this {2}. + +IndexDump.SelectAPlugin = Select a search plug-in to view that plug-in's index in tabular form. +IndexDump.NoSuchPlugin = No such indexer plug-in: {0}/{1} +IndexDump.SearchEngineNotSupported = Index dump has not yet been implemented for this site''s current search engine. +IndexDump.NoArtifactsInIndex = This index contains no artifacts yet. +IndexDump.NotIndexed = (Not indexed) +IndexDump.IndexMetaInfoLabel = Properties +IndexDump.SearchEngine = Search engine + +IndexerServlet.NoIndexersRunning = No indexers running. +IndexerServlet.IndexerMessage = Message from indexer +IndexerServlet.NoStopIndexer = You cannot stop the indexer itself, only its individual indexer plug-ins. +IndexerServlet.NoIntervalIndexer = You cannot set indexing intervals on the indexer itself, only against its individual indexer plug-ins. +IndexerServlet.SpecifyPropertyNameValue = You must specify a property name and value setting properties. +IndexerServlet.Indexer = Indexer +IndexerServlet.Execute = Execute +IndexerServlet.Command = Command +IndexerServlet.SetProperty = Set +IndexerServlet.Target = Target +IndexerServlet.Plugins = Running plug-ins +IndexerServlet.Pause = Pause +IndexerServlet.Resume = Resume +IndexerServlet.Stop = Stop +IndexerServlet.Start = Start +IndexerServlet.Status = Status +IndexerServlet.FullIndexRebuild = Full index rebuild +IndexerServlet.Properties = Get properties +IndexerServlet.LogLevel = Get logging level +IndexerServlet.LogLevelDEBUG = Set DEBUG logging level +IndexerServlet.LogLevelINFO = Set INFO logging level +IndexerServlet.LogLevelWARN = Set WARN logging level +IndexerServlet.LogLevelERROR = Set ERROR logging level +IndexerServlet.Brake = Seconds to pause between actions (Default: 0) +IndexerServlet.FullRebuildInterval = Minutes between full rebuilds +IndexerServlet.IncRebuildInterval = Minutes between incremental rebuilds + +InvitationPeer.BadTicket = Your ticket is not valid. It may have been used already. For more information or to get another ticket, reply to the original invitation message you received. +InvitationPeer.InvitationSubject = {0} invites you to join the {1} project + +Join.AnyLength = Any length; valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, the @ character, the ., and underlines; spaces are not permitted. Example: j_...@email.add +Join.CreateUser = Create user +Join.Organization = Organization +Join.PasswordTicketSent = A ticket has been sent to your email address which will allow you to set the password for your new account. +Join.PasswordSent = A randomly generated password has been sent to your email address. Please use it to log in and then change it. +Join.Register = Register +Join.SelfRegistrationNotAllowed = This site does not allow users to self-register. Contact the site admin if you want an account. +Join.StarEmail = Email +Join.StarRealName = Real name +Join.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +Join.StarUserName = User name +Join.UpTo32 = Up to 32 characters in length; valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and underlines. Spaces are not permitted, and an underline may not be the first character. Example: jandoe +Join.UpTo99 = Up to 99 characters; all characters are valid. Example: My Organization +Join.UserExists = A user named {0} already exists on this site. +Join.ValidChar = Any length; valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space and the following _-.,(")'. Example: Jan Doe +Join.ValidSourceCastName = + +JoinHelp.GetHelpWithRegistering = Get help with registering? + +# This only needs to be set for languages where the default translation in +# the JDK is not ideal. It's fine to set it for other languages, but +# not necessary. It is needed for Chinese. IZ 25513 +# LOCALE.en.displayName=English +# LOCALE.ja.displayName=Japanese +# LOCALE.ko.displayName=Korean +LOCALE.zh_TW.displayName=Chinese (Traditional) +LOCALE.zh_CN.displayName=Chinese (Simplified) + +License.CannotChangeNameOfNoneLicense = You cannot change the name of the special "*None*" license. +License.CannotDeleteNoneLicense = You cannot delete the special "*None*" license. +License.LicenseInUse = This license is currently in use by one or more projects. You cannot delete a license which is in use. +License.LicenseWithNameExists = There is already a license named "{0}" in {1}. + +LicenseAdd.CreateLicense = Create license +LicenseAdd.DescriptionFieldName = Description +LicenseAdd.DuplicateLicenseName = There is already a license named "{0}" in {1}. +LicenseAdd.LicenseNameFieldName = License name +LicenseAdd.NameOfTheLicense = Enter the name of the license. +LicenseAdd.StarDescription = Description +LicenseAdd.StarLicenseName = License name +LicenseAdd.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +LicenseAdd.URLToADescriptionOfTheLicense = Enter a URL to a description of the license, a description of the license, or the complete text of the license. You may use HTML markup in your description. + +LicenseDelete.CannotDeleteThisLicense = You cannot delete this license because it is in use. +LicenseDelete.ConfirmDelete = Confirm delete +LicenseDelete.WantToDelete = Are you sure you want to delete the {0} license from the site? This operation cannot be undone. +LicenseDelete.License = License: + +LicenseDetails.DetailsAt = Details at <a href="{0}">{0}</a> +LicenseDetails.License = License: + +LicenseEdit.DescriptionFieldName = Description +LicenseEdit.DeleteLicense = Delete license +LicenseEdit.DuplicateLicenseName = There is already a license named "{0}" in {1}. +LicenseEdit.EnterTheNameOfTheLicense = Enter the name of the license. +LicenseEdit.LicenseNameFieldName = License name +LicenseEdit.OtherOperations = Other operations +LicenseEdit.StarDescription = Description +LicenseEdit.StarLicenseName = License name +LicenseEdit.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +LicenseEdit.SubmitChanges = Submit changes +LicenseEdit.URLToADescriptionOfTheLicense = Enter a URL to a description of the license, a description of the license, or the complete text of the license. You may use HTML markup in your description. +LicenseEdit.License = License: + +LicenseList.Delete = Delete +LicenseList.Edit = Edit +LicenseList.License = License + +LicenseListHelp.CreateANewLicense = Create a new license? +LicenseListHelp.DeleteALicense = Delete a license? +LicenseListHelp.EditALicense = Edit a license? +LicenseListHelp.ViewALicense = View a license? + +LicenseListTasks.AddNewLicense = Add new license + +LicensePeer.NoLicenseByID = No license with ID {0} exists. +LicensePeer.NoLicenseByName = No license named "{0}" exists. + +ListFilter.Filter = Filter +ListFilter.FilterThisList = Filter this list + +LogFile.NoLogFileSubdirectorySpecified = You must specify a log file subdirectory. +LogFile.InvalidLogFileSubdirectory = Invalid log file subdirectory: "{0}" +LogFile.LogFileDoesNotExist = Log file "{0}" does not exist. + +LogView.LeaveEmpty = (leave empty to print last 1000 lines). +LogView.LogChunk = LogChunk +LogView.LogFileFieldName = Log file to view +LogView.Print1000Lines = Print 1000 lines starting at line: +LogView.SelectALog = Select a log to view. +LogView.ViewLog = View log + +MailingList.HelmPropertiesIsNull = HelmProperties is null. + +MailingListPeer.MailingListByID = The {1} project does not contain a mailing list with ID {0}. +MailingListPeer.MailingListByName = The {1} project does not contain a mailing list named {0}. + +NavColumn.AdminFunctions = Administration tools +NavColumn.EditProfile = My profile +NavColumn.GetHelp = Get help? +NavColumn.home = home +NavColumn.HowDoI = How do I... +NavColumn.MyStartPage = My start page +NavColumn.MyTools = My tools +NavColumn.Tools = tools +NavColumn.MyTodoList=My current tasks +NavColumn.MyPortfolio=My portfolio dashboard + + +NewUserPassword.NewPasswordIs = The password for your {0} account is: {1} +NewUserPassword.PleaseChangeIt = Please change it immediately upon logging in. + +TopTabs.MyStartPage = My pages +TopTabs.Projects = Projects +TopTabs.www = Community +TopTabs.Administration = Administration + +Crumbs.Projects = Projects + +DateEntry.DayMarker = +DateEntry.MonthMarker = +DateEntry.YearMarker = + +NewUserPasswordTicket.VisitThisURL = Visit this URL to set your password: +NewUserPasswordTicket.YouNeedToSetYourPassword = Before you can log into your {0} account, you need to set your password. + +NotApplicable.NotApplicable = N/A + +OtherProjectOperations.DeleteProject = Delete {0} +OtherProjectOperations.EditProjectSpecificRoles = Edit {0}-specific roles +OtherProjectOperations.EditProjectSpecificResources = Edit {0}-specific resource patterns +OtherProjectOperations.GrantUserRoles = Grant roles to users in this {0} +OtherProjectOperations.LockProject = Lock {0} +OtherProjectOperations.OtherOperations = Other operations +OtherProjectOperations.ToolConfiguration = Tool configuration +OtherProjectOperations.UnlockProject = Unlock {0} +OtherProjectOperations.ViewUserRoleAssignments = View user role assignments in this {0} + +PaginatableList.NextPage = Next +PaginatableList.PreviousPage = Prev +PaginatableList.PageSeparator = | +PaginatableList.ListExtends = ... + +PasswordEdit.ChangePassword = Change password +PasswordEdit.Hello = Hello, {0}. +PasswordEdit.InvalidPasswordTicket = Password ticket {0} is not valid. It may have been used already. +PasswordEdit.Password = Password +PasswordEdit.PasswordChanged = Your password has been changed. +PasswordEdit.PasswordConfirmationFieldName = Password confirmation +PasswordEdit.PasswordFieldName = Password +PasswordEdit.PermissionToEditUserError = Permission to edit the {0} user +PasswordEdit.RetypePassword = Retype password +PasswordEdit.YouMustProvideATicketOrBeLoggedIn = To change your password you must provide a user ID and ticket, or be logged in. + +PasswordTicket.VisitThisURL = Visit this URL to set your password: + +PasswordTicketsReissue.Action = Action +PasswordTicketsReissue.UsersWithOutstandingPasswordTickets = The following users have outstanding password tickets: +PasswordTicketsReissue.NoUsersHaveOutstandingPasswordTickets = No users currently have outstanding password tickets. +PasswordTicketsReissue.NoMatchingUsersHaveOutstandingPasswordTickets = No matching users currently have outstanding password tickets. +PasswordTicketsReissue.User = User +PasswordTicketsReissue.Created = Created +PasswordTicketsReissue.LastModified = Last Modified +PasswordTicketsReissue.UserType = User Type +PasswordTicketsReissue.Defer = Defer +PasswordTicketsReissue.Reissue = Reissue +PasswordTicketsReissue.ReissuePasswordTicket = Reissue password ticket +PasswordTicketsReissue.NewPasswordTicketsMailed = New URLs to set a new password have been e-mailed to each selected user. +PasswordTicketsReissue.EmailOfPasswordTicketFailed = Email of password ticket URLs failed: {0} +PasswordTicketsReissueHelp.ManagingPasswordNotificationTickets = Manage password notification tickets? +PendingActions.OutstandingPasswordTickets = <a href="{0}">Outstanding password tickets</a> ({1}) +PendingActions.PendingActions = Pending actions +PendingActions.PendingRolesInProject = <a href="{0}">Pending roles in project {1}</a> ({2}) +PendingActions.ProjectIsLocked = Project {0} is locked. +PendingActions.ProposedProjects = <a href="{0}">Proposed projects</a> ({1}) +PendingActions.LockedAccounts = <a href="{0}">Locked user accounts</a> ({1}) + +PermissionDump.AFilterOfStar = You can filter this list by project. A filter of "*" will display permissions for all projects in which this user has any role (note that the resulting list may be huge) +PermissionDump.Action = Action +PermissionDump.AllProjects = All projects +PermissionDump.DomainPermissions = Domain permissions +PermissionDump.HostPermissions = Host permissions +PermissionDump.ProjectPermissions = Project permissions +PermissionDump.User = User: +PermissionDump.NoMatchingProjects = No matching projects + +PermissionDumpHelp.LearnMoreAboutActions = Learn more about actions and permissions? + +PreventedFurtherProcessing. = This error prevented further processing. + +Project.BaseProjectType = project +Project.BaseProjectTypeHeading = Project +Project.BaseProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Projects +Project.BaseProjectTypePlural = projects +Project.BaseSubTypeHeadingPlural = Subprojects +Project.CannotDeleteDefaultProject = {0} is the default project, and cannot be deleted. +Project.CategoryExists = The {1} domain already contains a category named {0}. +Project.CategoryProjectType = category +Project.CategoryProjectTypeHeading = Category +Project.CategoryProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Categories +Project.CategoryProjectTypePlural = categories +Project.CategorySubTypeHeadingPlural = Subcategories +Project.DeletedProjectType = deleted project +Project.DeletedProjectTypeHeading = Deleted project +Project.DeletedProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Deleted projects +Project.DeletedProjectTypePlural = deleted projects +Project.DomainProjectType = domain +Project.DomainProjectTypeHeading = Domain +Project.DomainProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Domains +Project.DomainProjectTypePlural = domains +Project.GroupProjectType = project group +Project.GroupProjectTypeHeading = Project group +Project.GroupProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Project groups +Project.GroupProjectTypePlural = project groups +Project.GroupSubTypeHeadingPlural = Subgroups +Project.HostProjectType = host +Project.HostProjectTypeHeading = Host +Project.HostProjectTypeHeadingPlural = Hosts +Project.HostProjectTypePlural = hosts +Project.MakingProjectChildWouldCauseCircularity = Making {0} a child of {1} would cause circularity. +Project.NameInParent = {0} (in {1}) +Project.NewUnapprovedProject = New unapproved project: {0} +Project.ProjectByIDAlreadyExists = There is already a project on this site with ID {1}. +Project.ProjectCannotBeDeleted = This project cannot be deleted. +Project.ProjectDisapproved = Project {0} disapproved +Project.ProjectExists = The {1} domain already contains a project named {0}. +Project.ProjectGroupExists = The {1} domain already contains a project group named {0}. +Project.ProjectHasBeenLocked = Project {0} locked. +Project.ProjectHasBeenUnlocked = Project {0} unlocked. +Project.ProjectIsDeleted = This project has been deleted. You may not modify it. +Project.ProjectNotInDomain = The {0} project is not in any domain. +Project.ProjectStillHasSubprojects = The {0} project still has one or more subprojects. To delete it, you must first delete or move all its subprojects. +Project.UnableToGetDomainName = Unable to get domain name. +Project.UnapprovedProjectCannotHaveSubprojects = The {0} project cannot have subprojects associated with it until it is approved. +Project.WrongTypeForSubproject = The {0} project cannot have as a subproject a project of type {1}. + +ProjectAdd.CheckThisBoxToMakeProject = Check this box to make this project publicly viewable to the site at large. +ProjectAdd.CheckThisBoxToUseProject = Check this box to use your project's www/index.html file as the project's description. This is useful if you plan to have a complex home page. This setting can be changed at any time. +ProjectAdd.CreateProject = Create project +ProjectAdd.CreateYourProject = Once you create your project, it must be approved by the site moderators before it will be accessible to other users. +ProjectAdd.DefaultsToYourLoginID = This field automatically defaults to your login ID but you may enter another user's login ID to identify them as the project owner. +ProjectAdd.Description = Description +ProjectAdd.DesignateSoftwareLicense = Designate a software license for your project. +ProjectAdd.EnterOneLineProjectDescription = Enter a one-line project description without exceeding field length using text only, no HTML. This text appears in project listings viewed by registered users. This field may be edited at any time. +ProjectAdd.IdentifyYourProject = Identify your project with a one-word name displayed in all project listings. Use characters a-z (mixed case will be converted to all lowercase), 0-9, and dash (though not as first or last character); no spaces, underscores, or other punctuation. The project name cannot be changed, so choose wisely. +ProjectAdd.InformationOnLicenses = Need more information on licenses? +ProjectAdd.InvalidHTMLOrJavascriptInDescription = Invalid HTML or Javascript in description. +ProjectAdd.InvalidProjectName = You specified an invalid project name. Please read the guidelines beneath the "Project name" field. +ProjectAdd.License = License: +ProjectAdd.LicenseFieldName = License +ProjectAdd.NewTopLevel = New top-level +ProjectAdd.Note = Note +ProjectAdd.ParentProjectDoesNotExist = Parent project {0} does not exist. +ProjectAdd.ProjectCategories = Project categories +ProjectAdd.ProjectName = Project name +ProjectAdd.ProjectNameContainsHTML = Project name contains HTML. +ProjectAdd.ProjectNameLowercased = The project name you entered, "{0}" has been changed to "{1}" (all lowercase). +ProjectAdd.ProjectNameFieldName = Project name +ProjectAdd.ProjectOwner = Project owner +ProjectAdd.ProjectOwnerDoesNotExist = Designated project owner "{0}" does not exist. +ProjectAdd.PublicProject = Public project +ProjectAdd.SelectOneOrMoreCategories = Select one or more categories to determine where your project appears in project listings. You can find descriptions on the category home page. You may also change categories at any time. +ProjectAdd.SelectThisProjectParent = Select this project's parent, or "New top-level" to make a new top-level project. +ProjectAdd.StarParentProject = Parent project +ProjectAdd.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +ProjectAdd.SummarizeYourProject = Summarize your project's mission, background, and plans to be viewed by registered site users. You can customize your project home page here by including HTML markup. Although this field may be edited at any time, the information should remain consistent. +ProjectAdd.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectAdd.SummaryContainsHTML = Summary contains HTML. +ProjectAdd.SummaryFieldName = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectAdd.True = true +ProjectAdd.UseProjectHome = Use project index.html + +ProjectAddHelp.LearnAboutAddingProjects = Learn about starting projects? +ProjectAddHelp.LearnAboutProjectLanguage = Learn about project language? + +ProjectAdminHelp.AddingCustomLinks = Adding custom links +ProjectAdminHelp.AddingAndManagingProjectMembers = Adding and managing project members +ProjectAdminHelp.EditingTheProjectHomePage = Editing the project home page +ProjectAdminHelp.ManagingCustomHTMLStyling = Managing custom HTML styling + +ProjectApproval.Action = Action +ProjectApproval.Approve = Approve +ProjectApproval.Approving = Approving a project means that it can be shown in the project list, and that its project owner can grant permissions to other users. +ProjectApproval.Defer = Defer +ProjectApproval.Disapprove = Disapprove +ProjectApproval.NoProjectsPendingApproval = There are no projects pending approval. +ProjectApproval.PerformActions = Perform actions +ProjectApproval.Project = Project +ProjectApproval.ProjectsApprovedAndDisapproved = Projects approved: {0}; projects disapproved: {1}. +ProjectApproval.ProjectsPendingApproval = Projects pending approval within domain +ProjectApproval.ProposedBy = Proposed by +ProjectApproval.Reason = Reason for project disapproval +ProjectApproval.Summary = Lühikirjeldus + +ProjectCreated.HasStartedProject = {0} has started the {1} project. +ProjectCreated.ItWillTakeAMoment = It will take a moment to create all of the tools for your new project. If you go to tools right away they may not include all of their components immediately. +ProjectCreated.NewProjectHomePage = You should now go to your new <a href="{0}">{1} project home page</a> to start customizing your project content. +ProjectCreated.PleaseApproveOrDisapprove = Please approve or disapprove this project at your convenience by going to: +ProjectCreated.ProjectDescription = Project description: +ProjectCreated.ProjectPending = Your project is currently pending. Other site members can begin work on your project once site administrators approve it. You will be notified by email if your project is disapproved. +ProjectCreated.StartedANewProject = Congratulations, you just started a new project! + +ProjectDelete.ConfirmDelete = Confirm delete +ProjectDelete.ProjectDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete project <strong>{0}</strong> and all of its artifacts? This operation cannot be undone. + +ProjectDisapprove.ForMoreInformationContact = For more information, please contact {0} ({1}) +ProjectDisapprove.TheFollowingReasonWasGiven = The following reason was given for disapproval: +ProjectDisapprove.YouCanNoLongerAccessResources = You can no longer access any resources for the {0} project. +ProjectDisapprove.YourRequestHasBeenDisapproved = Sorry, your request for hosting of the {0} project has been disapproved. + +ProjectEdit.CheckThisBoxToMake = Check this box to make this project publicly viewable to the site at large. +ProjectEdit.CheckThisBoxToUse = Check this box to use your project's www/index.html file as the project's description. This is useful if you plan to have a complex home page. +ProjectEdit.DescribeTheDevelopmentStatus = Describe the development status of this project. You may use HTML markup. +ProjectEdit.Description = Description +ProjectEdit.DesignateASoftwareLicense = Designate a software license for your project. +ProjectEdit.EditProjectQuotas = Edit project quotas +ProjectEdit.InvalidHTMLOrJavascriptInDescription = Invalid HTML or Javascript in description. +ProjectEdit.License = License +ProjectEdit.NeedMoreInformationOnLicenses = Need more information on licenses? +ProjectEdit.OneLineProjectDescription = Enter a one-line project description without exceeding field length using text only, no html. This text appears in project listings viewed by registered users. Field may be edited at any time. +ProjectEdit.OtherOperations = Other operations: +ProjectEdit.OwnersMessage = Owners' message +ProjectEdit.Project = Project +ProjectEdit.ProjectCategories = Project categories +ProjectEdit.ProjectIsCurrentlyDisabled = This project is currently disabled. Access to the project's source repository, mailing lists, and project or Issue Tracker is read-only. Until the project is reactivated, no project files or data can be modified. +ProjectEdit.ProjectIsCurrentlyLocked = Your project is currently locked. This means your project's source repository, mailing lists, and project or Issue Tracker are disabled. Contact the site administrator immediately for further information. +ProjectEdit.ProjectLicenseFieldName = Project license +ProjectEdit.PublicProject = Public project +ProjectEdit.SelectOneOrMoreCategories = Select one or more categories to determine where your project appears in project listings. You can find descriptions on the category home page. You may also change categories at any time. +ProjectEdit.SelectTheParentProject = Select the parent project for this project, or "Top-level" to make it a top-level project. +ProjectEdit.StarParentProject = * Parent project +ProjectEdit.RequiredFields = Required fields +ProjectEdit.SubmitChanges = Submit changes +ProjectEdit.SummarizeYourProject = Summarize your project's mission, background, and plans to be viewed by registered site users. You can customize your project home page here by including HTML markup. Although this field may be edited at any time, the information should remain consistent. +ProjectEdit.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectEdit.SummaryContainsHTML = Summary contains HTML. +ProjectEdit.TopLevel = Top-level +ProjectEdit.UseProjectHomePage = Use project index.html +ProjectEdit.UseTheContentsOfItsIndexHtmlFile = This project is setup to use the contents of its <code>index.html</code> file as its description. To make changes, edit <code>index.html</code> and check it into version control. + +ProjectEditHelp.AddCustomLinksToMy = Add custom links to my project? +ProjectEditHelp.EditMyProject = Edit my project? + +ProjectGroupAdd.CreateGroup = Create group +ProjectGroupAdd.DescribeTheGroup = Describe the group in more detail here. +ProjectGroupAdd.DescriptionFieldName = Description +ProjectGroupAdd.EnterOneProjectName = Enter one project name per line. +ProjectGroupAdd.GroupNameFieldName = Group name +ProjectGroupAdd.GroupNameIsInvalid = Group name is invalid. +ProjectGroupAdd.NameTheProjectGroup = Identify the project group with a one-word name displayed in all project listings. Use characters a-z (mixed case okay), 0-9, and dash (though not as first character); no spaces, underscores, or other punctuation. The name for the project group cannot match the name of a project. To avoid conflict with project names it is recommended that project group names include a unique identifier, such as a "-group" or "-security" extension. The project group name cannot be changed, so choose wisely. +ProjectGroupAdd.InitialProjects = Initial projects +ProjectGroupAdd.InvalidProjectTypeForInitialGroupContents = The "{0}" project is of type {1}, and only regular projects or categories can be associated with a project group. +ProjectGroupAdd.LockedProjectCannotBeAddedToProjectGroup = The "{0}" {1} is locked, and as such cannot be added to this project group. +ProjectGroupAdd.NewTopLevel = New top-level +ProjectGroupAdd.OneLineSummaryOfTheGroup = Enter a one-line summary of the group. +ProjectGroupAdd.ProjectExists = The {0} domain already contains a project called "{1}" +ProjectGroup.ProjectStillHasSubprojects = The {0} project group still has one or more subgroups. To delete it, you must first delete or move all its subgroups. +ProjectGroupAdd.SelectTheParentGroup = Select the parent group for the new group, or "New top-level" to make a new top-level group. +ProjectGroupAdd.StarDescription = Description +ProjectGroupAdd.StarGroupName = Group name +ProjectGroupAdd.StarParentGroup = * Parent group +ProjectGroupAdd.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +ProjectGroupAdd.StarSummary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectGroupAdd.SummaryFieldName = Lühikirjeldus + +ProjectGroupAddHelp.AssignRolesInAProjectGroup = Assign roles in a project group? +ProjectGroupAddHelp.LearnMoreAboutProjectGroups = Learn more about project groups? +ProjectGroupAddHelp.AccessReleaseNotes = Access release notes? + +ProjectGroupDelete.ConfirmDelete = Confirm delete +ProjectGroupDelete.ProjectGroupDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete group {0} and all its associations? This operation cannot be undone. + +ProjectGroupEdit.AddNewProjectToGroup = Add new project to group +ProjectGroupEdit.DeleteGroup = Delete group +ProjectGroupEdit.DescribeTheGroupInMoreDetail = Describe the group in more detail here. +ProjectGroupEdit.Description = Description +ProjectGroupEdit.GrantUserRoles = Grant user roles in this group +ProjectGroupEdit.GroupElements = Group elements +ProjectGroupEdit.NoMatchingProjectsFound = No matching projects found. +ProjectGroupEdit.NoProjectsInThisGroup = There are no projects in this group. +ProjectGroupEdit.NumberOfProjectsRemovedFromGroup = Projects removed from group: {0} +ProjectGroupEdit.OtherOptions = Other operations +ProjectGroupEdit.Project = Project +ProjectGroupEdit.RemoveElements = Remove elements +ProjectGroupEdit.RemoveFromGroup = Remove from group +ProjectGroupEdit.SelectTheParentGroup = Select the parent group for this group, or "Top-level" to make it a top-level group. +ProjectGroupEdit.StarParentGroup = * Parent group +ProjectGroupEdit.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +ProjectGroupEdit.SubmitChanges = Submit changes +ProjectGroupEdit.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectGroupEdit.SummaryOfTheGroup = Enter a one-line summary of the group. +ProjectGroupEdit.TopLevel = Top-level +ProjectGroupEdit.UpdateSucceeded = Update succeeded +ProjectGroupEdit.ViewUserRoles = View user roles in this group +ProjectGroupEdit.Projectgroup = Project group: + +ProjectGroupEditHelp.AddOtherProjectsToThisGroup = Add projects to this group? +ProjectGroupEditHelp.AddUserGroupsToThisProjectGroup = Add user groups to this project group? +ProjectGroupEditHelp.GrantRolesToUsersInThisGroup = Grant roles to users in this group? + +ProjectGroupElementAdd.Add = Add +ProjectGroupElementAdd.AddToGroup = Add to group +ProjectGroupElementAdd.AllAvailableProjects = All available projects are already in this group. +ProjectGroupElementAdd.NoMatchingProjects = No matching projects found. +ProjectGroupElementAdd.NumberOfProjectsAddedToGroup = Projects added to group: {0} +ProjectGroupElementAdd.Project = Project +ProjectGroupElementAdd.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectGroupElementAdd.Projectgroup = Project group: + +ProjectGroupList.Elements = Projects +ProjectGroupList.Name = Name +ProjectGroupList.NoMatchingProjectGroupsWereFound = No matching project groups were found. +ProjectGroupList.NotYetAnyProjectGroups = There are not yet any project groups on this site. +ProjectGroupList.Subgroups = Subgroups +ProjectGroupList.Summary = Lühikirjeldus + +ProjectGroupListHelp.CreateProjectGroups = Create project groups? +ProjectGroupListHelp.EditProjectGroups = Edit project groups? +ProjectGroupListHelp.LearnMoreAboutProjectGroups = Learn more about project groups? +ProjectGroupListHelp.AccessReleaseNotes = Access release notes? + +ProjectGroupListTasks.AddNewGroup = Add new project group + +ProjectHome.Approve = Approve +ProjectHome.Categories = Categories +ProjectHome.Category = Category +ProjectHome.Description = Description +ProjectHome.License = License +ProjectHome.Locked = Locked +ProjectHome.MessageFromTheOwner = Message from the owner(s) +ProjectHome.Name = Name +ProjectHome.None = None +ProjectHome.NotYetAnyProjects = There are not yet any projects in this {0}. +ProjectHome.NoMatchingProjects = This {0} contains no projects which match your query. +ProjectHome.Owners = Owner(s) +ProjectHome.PendingApproval = Pending approval +ProjectHome.ProjectGroup = Project group +ProjectHome.ProjectGroups = Project groups +ProjectHome.ProjectHome = {0} home +ProjectHome.ProjectIsCurrentlyDisabled = This project is currently disabled. Access to the project's source repository, mailing lists, and project or Issue Tracker is read-only. Until the project is reactivated, no project files or data can be modified. +ProjectHome.ProjectIsCurrentlyLocked = Your project is currently locked. This means your project's source repository, mailing lists, and project or Issue Tracker are disabled. Contact the site administrator immediately for further information. +ProjectHome.ProjectName = Project name +ProjectHome.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectHome.Unlock = Unlock +ProjectHome.YourRoles = Your role(s) + +ProjectHomeHelp.AddCustomLinksToThis = Add custom links to this project? +ProjectHomeHelp.JoinThisProject = Join this project? +ProjectHomeHelp.LearnMoreAboutThisProject = Learn more about this project? +ProjectHomeHelp.UseProjectHomePage = Use the project home page? + +ProjectHomeTasks.EditThis = Edit {0} +ProjectHomeTasks.JoinThis = Request {0} membership/role +ProjectHomeTasks.RemoveThisFromWatchList = Remove {0} from watch list +ProjectHomeTasks.RequestNewRole = Request {0} role +ProjectHomeTasks.WatchThis = Watch {0} + +ProjectInvitation.InvitesYouToJoin = {0} invites you to join the {1} project. +ProjectInvitation.JoinNow = Join now: +ProjectInvitation.ReplyToThisMessage = You can reply to this message to ask for more information about this project. +ProjectInvitation.Separator = --------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ProjectInvite.ComposeTheText = Compose the text of your invitation message here. +ProjectInvite.EmailAddressesFieldName = Email addresses +ProjectInvite.InvitationMessage = Invitation message +ProjectInvite.Invite = Invite +ProjectInvite.InviteMessageFieldName = Invite message +ProjectInvite.NoUserWithEmailAddress = There is no user registered with an email address of "{0}". Either use a different email address or contact your administrator to have an account created for the user you want to invite. +ProjectInvite.PeopleToInvite= People to invite +ProjectInvite.PeopleToInvites = List email addresses of people you wish to invite to join your project (one email address per line, or multiple addresses if a comma, colon, or semicolon is used to separate them). Each person will receive email including your invitation message and a link to access your project home page. +ProjectInvite.UsePlainText = Please use plain text without HTML. +ProjectInvite.RequiredFields = Required fields + +ProjectIndexer.ArtifactType = Projects +ProjectIndexer.METADATA-HEADING.subject = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectIndexer.SEARCHABLE-NAME.title = Project name +ProjectIndexer.SEARCHABLE-NAME.subject = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectIndexer.SEARCHABLE-NAME.description = Description +ProjectIndexer.TitleHeading = Name + +ProjectList.Categories = Categories +ProjectList.CategoryList = Category list +ProjectList.Name = Name +ProjectList.NoCategoriesOnSite = There are not yet any categories on this site. +ProjectList.NoMatchingCategories = No matching categories were found. +ProjectList.NoMatchingProjectsWereFound = No matching projects were found. +ProjectList.NoProjectsOnSite = There are not yet any projects on this site. +ProjectList.NumberOfProjects = Projects +ProjectList.NumberOfSubcategories = Subcategories +ProjectList.Path = Path +ProjectList.PendingApproval = Pending approval +ProjectList.ProjectIsInNoCategories = none +ProjectList.ProjectList = Project list +ProjectList.Projects = Projects +ProjectList.Root = Root +ProjectList.Summary = Lühikirjeldus +ProjectList.ViewCategoryList = View category list +ProjectList.ViewProjectList = View project list +ProjectList.ViewSubCategories = View subcategories +ProjectList.ViewSubProjects = View subprojects + +ProjectListHelp.StartAProject = Start a new project? + +ProjectListTasks.AddNewCategory = Start new category +ProjectListTasks.AddNewProject = Start new project + +ProjectLocked.ContactSiteAdministrator = Contact the site administrator for more information. +ProjectLocked.Lock = Lock {0} +ProjectLocked.LockCategory = Lock category +ProjectLocked.LockProject = Lock project +ProjectLocked.LockProjectGroup = Lock project group +ProjectLocked.ProjectAlreadyLocked = This {0} is already locked. +ProjectLocked.ProjectAlreadyUnlocked = This {0} is already unlocked. +ProjectLocked.ProjectHasBeenLocked = The {0} project has been locked by the site administrator. +ProjectLocked.ProjectIsLocked = The {0} {1} is locked. +ProjectLocked.ProjectIsUnlocked = The {0} {1} is unlocked. +ProjectLocked.ProjectLocked = {0} locked. +ProjectLocked.ProjectUnlocked = {0} unlocked. +ProjectLocked.Unlock = Unlock {0} +ProjectLocked.UnlockCategory = Unlock category +ProjectLocked.UnlockProject = Unlock project +ProjectLocked.UnlockProjectGroup = Unlock project group +ProjectLocked.WhileThisProjectIsLocked = While this project is locked, you may not create or change artifacts (news items, issues/artifacts, files, code, etc.). In addition, you may not add members to this project. +ProjectLockedHelp.LearnAboutLockedProjects = Learn about locked projects? + +ProjectMemberAdd.Add = Add +ProjectMemberAdd.Description = Description +ProjectMemberAdd.DoneGrantingRoles = Done granting roles +ProjectMemberAdd.GrantRoles = Grant roles +ProjectMemberAdd.GrantTheseRoles = Grant these roles to all designated users +ProjectMemberAdd.KnowTheLoginNames = If you know the login names of the users to whom you want to assign roles in this project, you may enter them here to do a mass add (one login name per line, or multiple login names if a comma, colon, or semicolon is used to separate them). +ProjectMemberAdd.MassAdd = Mass add +ProjectMemberAdd.NoMatchingUsers = No matching users were found. +ProjectMemberAdd.NoUsersOnSite = There are no users on this site. +ProjectMemberAdd.NoUsersSelected = You must select at least one user. +ProjectMemberAdd.RealName = Real name +ProjectMemberAdd.ReturnToTheProjectMemberList = When this box is checked, you will return to the project membership page after clicking the "Grant roles" button. If you possibly want to add more members, remove the checkmark to return to the Add new members page. +ProjectMemberAdd.RolesGrantedToUsers = Roles granted: {1}; users affected: {0} +ProjectMemberAdd.User = User +ProjectMemberAdd.UserGroup = User group +ProjectMemberAdd.YouMustSelectAtLeastOneRoleToGrant = You must select at least one role to grant. +ProjectMemberAdd.RequiredFields = Required fields + +ProjectMemberAddHelp.AddMembersToAProject = Add members to a project? +ProjectMemberAddHelp.AssignRolesToNewMembers = Assign roles to new members? +ProjectMemberAddHelp.LearnMoreAboutProjectRoles = Learn more about project roles? + +ProjectMemberHelp.ProjectHomePage = Project home page +ProjectMemberHelp.ProjectMembers = Project members + +ProjectMemberList.Approve = Approve +ProjectMemberList.CannotApproveTheseRoles = You cannot approve these roles until this project is approved. +ProjectMemberList.Defer = Defer +ProjectMemberList.Disapprove = Disapprove +ProjectMemberList.EditRoles = Submit +ProjectMemberList.NoUsersHaveOutstandingRole = No users have outstanding role requests in this project. +ProjectMemberList.NoMatchingUsers = No users with roles in this project matched your criteria. +ProjectMemberList.NoUsersHaveRoles = No users have roles in this project. +ProjectMemberList.Operations = Operations +ProjectMemberList.RealName = Real name +ProjectMemberList.ReasonForRoleDisapproval = Reason for role disapproval +ProjectMemberList.IfYouAreDisapproving = If you are disapproving one or more role requests, enter the reason for role disapproval. This will be emailed to the disapproved users. +ProjectMemberList.RequestsPendingApproval = Requests pending approval +ProjectMemberList.RevokeCheckedRoles = Revoke checked roles +ProjectMemberList.Roles = Roles +ProjectMemberList.RolesRequested = Roles requested +ProjectMemberList.User = User +ProjectMemberList.UserGroup = User group + +ProjectMemberListHelp.CheckTheMembersRoles = Check the members' roles? +ProjectMemberListHelp.ProcessMembershipRequests = Process membership requests? +ProjectMemberListHelp.ViewTheirIssues = View their issues/artifacts? + +ProjectMemberListTasks.AddNewMember = Add new member/role +ProjectMemberListTasks.InviteNewMembers = Invite new members +ProjectMemberListTasks.JoinThisProject = Request {0} membership/role +ProjectMemberListTasks.RequestNewProjectRole = Request {0} role + +ProjectMembershipRequest.NoteColon = Note: +ProjectMembershipRequest.PendingApproval = Pending approval +ProjectMembershipRequest.ProjectHasNotYetBeenApproved = This project has not yet been approved. You can request roles, but you will be unable to see the Project home or other project-related pages until it has been approved. +ProjectMembershipRequest.RoleAlreadyGranted = You already have the {0} role in the {1} project. +ProjectMembershipRequest.RoleColon = Role +ProjectMembershipRequest.RolesInThisProject = Your roles in this project: +ProjectMembershipRequest.SpecifyTheRole = Specify the role you want to request in the {0} project. +ProjectMembershipRequest.SubmitRequest = Submit request +ProjectMembershipRequest.YouAlreadyRequestedThisRole = You have already requested the {0} role in the {1} project. You will receive email once your request has been processed. +ProjectMembershipRequest.YouHaveNoRoles = You have no roles in the {0} project. Use the form below to request a role. +ProjectMembershipRequest.YouNeedToLogInToUseTicket = You need to log in before you can use your ticket. +ProjectMembershipRequest.YouNeedToLogInOrJoinToUseTicket = You need to log in before you can use your ticket. If you do not yet have an account, you need to <a href="{0}">register</a> with the site. + +ProjectMembershipRequestHelp.LearnWhatTheseRolesMean = Learn what these roles mean? + +ProjectNav.Membership = Membership +ProjectNav.Roles = Roles + +ProjectPeer.NoDomainByName = Domain {0} does not exist. +ProjectPeer.NoHostProject = Could not locate the host project! +ProjectPeer.NoProjectByAliasURL = No project on {1} corresponds to the URL {0}. +ProjectPeer.NoProjectByID = No project with ID {0} exists. +ProjectPeer.NoProjectByName = There is no {0} project on {1}. +ProjectPeer.ProjectName = Name +ProjectPeer.Summary = Lühikirjeldus + +ProjectProfile.MailingList.admin.Description=Admin information about this domain main list for developers to discuss project development issues/artifacts and requirements for version control. +ProjectProfile.MailingList.cvs.Description=A mailing list for version control commit messages. When new directories or files are committed to this project's repository, an e-mail is sent to this list. The e-mail contains a simple diff based on the commit. If this list is deleted, the system will generate mail failures for every commit made to the project repository. +ProjectProfile.MailingList.commits.Description=A mailing list for Subversion commit messages. Behaves same as described in cvs@ mailing list. +ProjectProfile.MailingList.announce.Description=Announcements of new releases and other major project events. +ProjectProfile.MailingList.issues.Description=A mailing list for issue or artifact creation and changes. When new issues or updates to issues are committed, an e-mail is sent to this list. If this list is deleted, the system will generate mail failures for every issue created or updated in the project. +ProjectProfile.MailingList.users.Description=A general discussion list for the project's end users. + +ProjectUnlocked.ProjectUnlocked = The {0} project has been unlocked by the site administrator. You are now free to make use of all project features. + +PropagationFailed.AFailureOccured = A failure occured at {0,time} on {0,date}: +PropagationFailed.Tool = Plug-in: +PropagationFailed.Command = Command: +PropagationFailed.Peers = Peers: +PropagationFailed.Keys = Keys: +PropagationFailed.Message = Message: + +LockedAccountsReinstate.Action = Action +LockedAccountsReinstate.UsersWithLockedAccounts = The following users have accounts locked due to persistent authentication failures: +LockedAccountsReinstate.NoUsersHaveLockedAccounts = No users currently have locked accounts. +LockedAccountsReinstate.User = User +LockedAccountsReinstate.Defer = Defer +LockedAccountsReinstate.Reinstate = Reinstate +LockedAccountsReinstate.ReinstateAccounts = Reinstate accounts + +PrivacyPolicy.PrivacyPolicy = Privacy policy +PrivacyPolicy.ImportantByUsingOrAccessing = <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> BY USING OR ACCESSING THIS WEBSITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE. +PrivacyPolicy.Commitment = 1. Commitment +PrivacyPolicy.InOrderToMakeVarious = In order to make various features and functions of the website ("<strong>Site</strong>") available to authorized users ("<strong>You</strong>"), CollabNet, Inc. ("<strong>CollabNet</strong>") collects certain information about You and your use of the Site, including, but not limited to, your first and last name, the name of your organization, if any, your username and your e-mail address ("<strong>Personal Information</strong>"). CollabNet is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizes your need for appropriate protection and management of any Personal Information You share with us. CollabNet established this privacy policy ("<strong>Privacy Policy</strong>") so that You can understand the care with which CollabNet intends to treat your Personal Information. +PrivacyPolicy.NotificationOfChanges = 2. Notification of Changes +PrivacyPolicy.IfWeDecideToChangePrivacyPolicy = If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on the Site homepage so You are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to use the Personal Information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify You via e-mail. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use the Personal Information in this different manner. +PrivacyPolicy.LimitedUseOfCookies = 3. Limited Use of Cookies +PrivacyPolicy.TheSiteMakesLimitedUseOf = The Site makes limited use of "session" cookies. When you visit the Site, a cookie is written to save your session ID. You must enable cookies in your browser in order to log into and use the Site. The information we collect and analyze through such cookies is used anonymously, and in the aggregate, to improve our service and to understand Site traffic patterns. +PrivacyPolicy.Security = 4. Security +PrivacyPolicy.CollabNetHasTakenAppropriateAnd = CollabNet has taken appropriate and reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information that You share with CollabNet from unauthorized access or disclosure. CollabNet will not share your Personal Information with third parties without your advance opt-in consent unless such release is legally required. +PrivacyPolicy.CollabNetUsesSecureSocketLayer = CollabNet uses Secure Socket Layer ("<strong>SSL</strong>") technology on this Site. SSL establishes a secure connection between the user and the server and uses a private key to encrypt data that is transferred across this connection. +PrivacyPolicy.OpenSourceAndCommunity = 5. Open Source and Community Projects +PrivacyPolicy.IfThisSiteIsAnOpenSourceOr = If this Site is an open source or community source site ("<strong>Open Project</strong>") and You choose to participate in an open source or community source project, whether by contributing code, participating in mailing lists or joining discussion forums, your participation is public and your privacy cannot be protected to the extent that You provide Personal Information such as your e-mail address. To the extent that You contribute code, information, articles or other material to an Open Project on this Site containing Personal Information, we cannot protect the privacy of such Personal Information and such material may be provided to others under the Site's Terms of Service and applicable licenses. +PrivacyPolicy.Accuracy = 6. Accuracy +PrivacyPolicy.WeDoOurBestToMaintain = We do our best to maintain the accuracy of the Personal Information You supply to us. You can update and modify the Personal Information at any time through the "Edit Profile" tool. +PrivacyPolicy.Consent = 7. Consent +PrivacyPolicy.ByUsingOrAccessingTheSite = By using or accessing the Site, You acknowledge and agree that CollabNet's collection and use of your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy, and CollabNet's operation and provision of the Site, as contemplated under this Privacy Policy, is not a breach of your right of privacy, publicity, or any other right related to protection of personal data, whether in equity, law, contract, or otherwise. You hereby waive any and all such claims or rights of action, whether foreseen or unforeseen, so long as the Personal Information is collected, stored, and used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. +PrivacyPolicy.QuestionsOrComemnts = 8. Questions or Comments +PrivacyPolicy.IfYouHaveAnyQuestionsOr = If You have any questions or comments regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at <a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>. +PrivacyPolicy.TermsOfServiceLink = <a href="{0}">Terms of service</a> + +ROLE.Anonymous-Guest = Anonymous Guest +ROLE.Anonymous-Guest.Description = Vistors who have not logged in +ROLE.Content-Developer = Content Developer +ROLE.Content-Developer.Description = Read/Write access to project web content +ROLE.Content-Viewer = Content Viewer +ROLE.Content-Viewer.Description = View project web pages only +ROLE.Developer = Developer +ROLE.Developer.Description = Read/Write access to all of project +ROLE.Domain-Admin = Domain Admin +ROLE.Domain-Admin.Description = Can reconfigure all projects and users on the site +ROLE.Host-Admin = Host Admin +ROLE.Host-Admin.Description = Can configure any project or user in any domain +ROLE.Observer = Observer +ROLE.Observer.Description = Read-only access to project code; can also submit issues +ROLE.Project-Owner = Project Owner +ROLE.Project-Owner.Description = Can reconfigure project and control membership +ROLE.Registered-User = Registered User +ROLE.Registered-User.Description = Registered user on the site + +RemoveWatchedProject.NoProjectsToRemove=Your watch list is currently empty. +RemoveWatchedProject.ProjectToRemoveInterestInFieldName = Project to remove interest in +RemoveWatchedProject.ProjectToRemoveWatch = Choose which project you want to remove from your watch list +RemoveWatchedProject.RemoveWatch = Remove from watch list +RemoveWatchedProject.StarProjectName = Project name +RemoveWatchedProject.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +RemoveWatchedProject.YouNoLongerWatchProject = You no longer watch the {0} project. + +RequestedRoleApproved.YouEarlierRequestedRole = You ({0}) earlier requested the {1} role in the {2} project. +RequestedRoleApproved.RequestApproved = Congratulations! The role has been granted. +RequestedRoleApproved.AccessTheProject = You can access the {0} project at the following URL: + +RequestedRoleDenied.RequestDenied = We regret to inform you that your role has been denied. +RequestedRoleDenied.RequestDeniedForReason = Your request has been denied for the following reason: +RequestedRoleDenied.YouEarlierRequestedRole = You ({0}) earlier requested the {1} role in the {2} project. + +Resource.DuplicateResourceDescription = There is already a resource in this project with a description of "{0}". +Resource.InvalidDescription = Invalid resource pattern description: "{0}" +Resource.InvalidPattern = Invalid pattern: {0} +Resource.TooManyAlternativeOperators = The pattern is too complex; it contains more than the maximum allowed number of alternative ("|") operators (max is {0}). + +ResourceAdd.CreateResource = Create resource +ResourceAdd.DomainVisibility = All projects in {0} +ResourceAdd.EnterARegularExpression = Enter a regular expression representing the set of resources you want to assign an action to in a role. Note that only certain actions check the resource. +ResourceAdd.HostVisibility = All projects in host +ResourceAdd.ProjectVisibility = The current project ({0}) +ResourceAdd.ResourceDescriptionFieldName = Description +ResourceAdd.ResourcePatternFieldName = Resource pattern +ResourceAdd.SelectTheVisibilityDomain = Select the visibility for this resource pattern. A resource pattern with domain visibility can be used in projects besides the {0} {1}. +ResourceAdd.SelectTheVisibilityHost = Select the visibility for this resource pattern. A resource pattern with domain or host visibility can be used in projects besides the {0} {1}. +ResourceAdd.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +ResourceAdd.StarResourcePattern = Resource pattern +ResourceAdd.StarResourceVisibility = Resource pattern visibility +ResourceAdd.StarShortDescription = Short description + +ResourceEdit.EnterARegularExpression = Enter a regular expression representing the set of resource patterns you want to assign an action to in a role. Note that only certain actions check the resource. +ResourceEdit.ResourceDescriptionFieldName = Description +ResourceEdit.ResourcePatternFieldName = Resource pattern +ResourceEdit.StarRequiredFields = Required fields +ResourceEdit.StarResourcePattern = Resource pattern +ResourceEdit.StarShortDescription = Short description +ResourceEdit.SubmitChanges = Submit changes + +ResourceList.AllProjects = All projects +ResourceList.Description = Description +ResourceList.Pattern = Pattern +ResourceList.Visibility = Visibility + +ResourceListHelp.LearnMoreAboutResourcePatterns = Learn more about resource patterns? + +ResourceListTasks.AddNewResource = Add new resource pattern + +ResourcePeer.NoResourceByID = No resource with ID {0} exists. + +Role.DomainRoleMustBeAssociatedWithDomainOrHost = A domain role must be associated with a domain or the host. +Role.HostRoleMustBeAssociatedWithHost = A host role must be associated with the host. +Role.InvalidRoleName = Invalid role name: {0} +Role.RoleExists = A role named {0} already exists in {1}. +Role.RoleInUse = This role is currently granted to one or more users. You cannot delete a role unless nobody has it. +Role.SuperuserWouldLoseActionIfRemovedFromRole = Superuser would lose the {0} action if it were removed from the {1} role. + +RoleAdd.Action = Action +RoleAdd.Add = Add +RoleAdd.CloneThePermissions = Clone the permissions for the new role from an existing role: +RoleAdd.Core = (Core) +RoleAdd.CreateRole = Create role +RoleAdd.DescribeTheFunctionality = Describe the functionality provided by this role. +RoleAdd.DescriptionFieldName = Description +RoleAdd.Domain = Domain +RoleAdd.DomainPermissions = Domain permissions +RoleAdd.DomainResourceNotValidInHostRole = The domain resource with pattern "{0}" cannot be used as part of a host-visible role. +RoleAdd.DomainRoles = Domain roles configure the domain and oversee all activity within it. +RoleAdd.DomainVisibility = All projects in {0} +RoleAdd.Host = Host +RoleAdd.HostPermissions = Host permissions +RoleAdd.HostRolesHelp = Host roles help maintain the hosting hardware and oversee all hosted domains. +RoleAdd.HostVisibility = All projects in host +RoleAdd.IdentifyTheRole = Identify the role with a name to be displayed in all listings. 1-99 characters, all characters allowed except for period. +RoleAdd.None = None +RoleAdd.Project = Project +RoleAdd.ProjectPermissions = Project permissions +RoleAdd.ProjectResourceOnlyValidInProjectRole = The project resource with pattern "{0}" can only be used as part of a project-visible role. +RoleAdd.ProjectRoles = Project roles define the permissions of participants in individual project workspaces.
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