Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Jan 21 10:24:28 2018
New Revision: 1024081

Staging update by buildbot for openoffice

    websites/staging/openoffice/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/openoffice/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun Jan 21 10:24:28 2018
@@ -1 +1 @@

--- websites/staging/openoffice/trunk/content/orientation/decision-making.html 
+++ websites/staging/openoffice/trunk/content/orientation/decision-making.html 
Sun Jan 21 10:24:28 2018
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .head
 <p>Commit-Then-Review (CTR) and Review-Then-Commit (RTC).</p>
-<p>The two primary ways of managing product changes go by the names 
Commit-Then-Review (CTR) and Review-Then-Commit (RTC). For most cases we 
operate in a CTR mode, meaning that our <a 
 are able to check in changes as they desire, with no advance approval or 
+<p>The two primary ways of managing product changes go by the names 
Commit-Then-Review (CTR) and Review-Then-Commit (RTC). For most cases we 
operate in a CTR mode, meaning that our <a 
 are able to check in changes as they desire, with no advance approval or 
 <p>We trust our Committers to do the right thing. By default Committers don't 
ask permission before acting. They avoid unnecessary discussion and email 
traffic. This is not because they are anti-social. This is because they realize 
that in a project of this size it is impossible to discuss every small change 
in advance. Discussing too much is both 
 unnecessary and unproductive. We have a "time machine" called Subversion that 
allows us to undo any changes to the product or website. So if a Committer 
believes that a     change would be uncontroversial, and the change is 
reversible, then the default approach is to go ahead make the change.</p>
-<p>Terms that you might need to know related to the above are: <a 
href="";>JFDI</a> and <a 
lazy consensus"</a>.</p>
+<p>Terms that you might need to know related to the above are: <a 
href="";>JFDI</a> and <a 
lazy consensus"</a>.</p>
 <p>When is RTC, Review-Then-Commit Used?</p>
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ list.</p>
 <p>The convention is to send all proposals in their own new thread. (Don't 
hide a proposal 10 posts deep in an existing thread). Put "[PROPOSAL]" in the 
subject line or make it obvious that you are making a proposal.</p>
 <p>Because the Volunteers are spread out all across the globe, in various time 
zones, and many have day jobs or other committments, the convention is to wait 
<em>at least</em> 72 hours for feedback on a proposal.</p>
-<p>In cases where the proposer wants to act on their proposal, if there are no 
objections, they should state this in the proposal. For example, "If there are 
no objections voiced within 72 hours, I'll go ahead and make these changes". 
This is called "stating lazy consensus". You can read more about lazy consensus 
+<p>In cases where the proposer wants to act on their proposal, if there are no 
objections, they should state this in the proposal. For example, "If there are 
no objections voiced within 72 hours, I'll go ahead and make these changes". 
This is called "stating lazy consensus". You can read more about lazy consensus 
 <p>Voting, Consensus, and Vetoes</p>

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